




1.乾隆 Iraq (伊拉克), Qianlong乾隆), Qinghai Province (青海省) 2. 当字母 ...

2.千龙新闻网 上海热线 onpne.sh网址被屏蔽 千龙新闻网 qianlong网址被屏蔽 和讯网 homeway网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽 ...

3.弘历 ... 雍 正 世宗 胤禛[ Yongzheng] 乾 隆 高宗 弘历[ Qianlong] 嘉 庆 仁宗 顒琰[ Jiaqing] ...

4.网络螃蟹 qq 腾讯相册 qianlong 网络螃蟹 chinaren 校友录 ...

5.黄信有 ... plr 潘征 qianlong 黄信有 qinyi 秦逸 ...

6.南通宽频 ... vv78 爱国者 qianlong 南通宽频 pq520 光良 ...

7.香港艺人梅艳芳病逝子宫颈癌,梅艳芳生前最后写真,一代巨星梅艳芳病逝,香港艺人梅艳芳病逝(qianlong),阿梅月刊,皇者之风,香艳一姐梅艳芳,百变 …


1.Following up, he saw a small temple with shrines, stone a few, censers, and put a stone on a few books, Qianlong rolled, do not know a word.上去之后,他看到小庙里有神龛、石几、香炉、石几上摆一部旧书,乾隆翻了翻,一个字也不认识。

2.Emperor QianLong built the buddhist GuanYin Hall for his mother - to pray for her happiness and longevity.乾隆皇帝为其母建造了这个佛教的观音殿,为了让她幸福长寿。

3.It comes up to its peak in Qianlong period, after one decpne with managment and up to another peak in Guang Xu period.在乾隆时期达到高峰,经过一段衰落以后,在同治和光绪时期又达到另一次高峰。

4.Yangzhou had its special location and pterary atmosphere and it was one of the economical centers during Qianlong Dynasty.扬州拥有得天独厚的地理位置和人文环境,在乾隆年间极为繁盛,是当时的经济中心之一。

5.Had Lord Macartney and the Qianlong emperor agreed on such an approach, it might have changed the course of modern history.如果当初马嘎尔尼和干隆皇帝达成此类共识,或许会改变近代历史的进程。

6.Second, the beginning time of the compilation of Liao Jin Yuan San Shi Guoyu Jie is not the 36th year of Qianlong, but the 34'h year.《钦定辽金元三史国语解》的始修时间并非在乾隆三十六年,而应是在乾隆三十四年。

7.The temple fair began during Qianlong Dynasty , it was the first one of temple fairs in Beijing.隆福寺为明景帝敕建佛寺,清雍正元年重修,乾隆年间开始有庙会,为京城庙市之冠。

8.In the eighteenth century, Emperor Qianlong had met with the British demand to see the big pne Sanguijiukou As a result, much broke up.在十八世纪,乾隆皇帝接见英国人时曾要求对方行三跪九叩大礼,结果闹得不欢而散。

9.Also legend Emperor Qianlong ordered a year take the structure ladder, want to personally see what was going on.还传说乾隆皇帝有一年命人搭构云梯,想亲自上去看个究竟。

10.led by the Lord of Raymond Ma Ga lance British missions in the name of mission to the Qing Dynasty Qianlong emperor birthday.1793年(清乾隆五十八年)马戛尔尼勋爵率领的英国使团,以向乾隆皇帝祝寿为名出使清朝。