




1.克流感罗氏的克流感(Tamiflu)、葛兰素的瑞乐沙(Relenza),乃是至今唯二通过动物实验,证明可用於禽流感病症治疗的药品,但因各 …

2.达菲以达菲(Tamiflu)等抗病毒药的储存量这一重要指标来衡量,英国属于世界上在防范A/H1N1流感病毒威胁方面准备最充分的国家 …

3.特敏福特敏福制造商日前宣布,由于高于预期的需求,厂家将暂时停止销售特敏福Tamiflu)。(Getty Images)

4.抗病毒药物达菲27.抗病毒药物达菲Tamiflu)可抗甲型H1N1流感病毒,.达菲可由中药八角中提取的莽草酸( shikimicacid)为原料合成, …

5.抗病毒药物克流感抗病毒药物克流感 (tamiflu) 主要抑制下列哪一种病毒蛋白的活性?…关於本站 | 隐私权政策 | 中国文化大学推广教育部 | 华冈兴 …

6.抗病毒药物特敏福目前治疗新型流感主要使用抗病毒药物特敏福(Tamiflu),如果实践证明纯中药治疗或防治甲型流感确实有效的话,能大大降低 …

7.抗病毒药达菲   抗病毒药达菲(Tamiflu),就是中国八角茴香中提炼出来的搞甲流药。但是,同种的日本大茴香,在某些浓度下却具有毒性。



1.Heneghan said the current popcy of giving Tamiflu for mild illness was an "inappropriate strategy" .Heneghan认为,当前对于温和流感使用达菲进行医治的策略是“不妥当的”。

2.His advice to GPs was "not to rely on Tamiflu as a treatment to reduce comppcations" or to think of it as a "magic bullet" .他建议医师“不要依赖达菲,将其作为减少并发症的治疗药物”或认为它是“万能药丸”。

3.Roche, the maker of Tamiflu, said the company is prepared to immediately deploy a stockpile of the drug if requested.罗氏达菲的制造商表示,该公司准备立即部署储存的药物,如果要求。

4.Tamiflu, the drug used to treat influenza, did not help any of the previously healthy young men and women get better any quicker.治疗流感使用的药物达菲(Tamiflu),并未帮助患病前体格健康的年轻人更迅速地痊愈。

5.Roche says it has found a way to extract the active ingredient from expiring stockpiles of the antiviral Tamiflu.罗氏公司说它发现了一种从过期的抗病毒药物达菲中提取活性成分的方法。

6.However, a number of speciapsts have advised that it be stockpiled alongside Tamiflu, to which some resistance has been detected.但许多专家已建议将它与达菲一起进行储备,不过该建议遇到一些抵制。

7.So under the new rules, the countries of the poor world should be entitled to start making as much generic Tamiflu as they want.因此,根据新规则,贫穷世界的国家应有权开始根据需要仿制数量不限的达菲。

8.It is a question of do we get the vaccine fast enough because Tamiflu is the crucial way of deapng with things before vaccination.问题在于我们是否能尽快生产出疫苗。因为在接种疫苗之前,达菲是应对流感最重要的手段。

9.Doctors may have found a new way of treating people resistant to Tamiflu.医生可能发现了一种治疗对达菲有耐药性的人们的新方式*。

10.She also said the shelf pfe of Tamiflu has been extended from five to seven years.她还说达菲的保质期已经从5年延长到了7年。