

at once

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adv.immediately,straightaway,right away,right now,now



na.1.immediately2.at the same time

1.立刻 在一周内 inaweek 立刻,马上 atonce 他的家人 hisfamily ...

2.马上 在一周内 inaweek 立刻,马上 atonce 他的家人 hisfamily ...

3.立即 atlength 最后,终于 atonce 立即,马上 atonetime 有个时期,一度 ...

4.顿时 顿然〖 suddenly〗 顿时〖 immediately;atonce;forthwith〗 顿首〖 kowtow〗 ...

5.同时 ... 8 askfor 索要,要求,找人… 9 atonce 立即,马上,同时 11 bedisappointedat 对…感到失 …

6.当即 当〖 as〗 立刻,当即atonce〗 那就是说,那就是〖 thatis;namely〗 ...

7.即刻 ... 高〖 high〗 即刻atonce〗 同本义〖 head〗 ...


1.All atonce, she felt pke the young people acknowledged that her generationgot a few things right, and one of them was the lovely chapeaux.突然间,她感觉年轻人终于觉得她那一代人也有好东西了,而其中一种,就是可爱的帽子。

2.Imagine if everyone did just a few of these atonce? Here namely my pst.设想一下每个人立刻做了其中的一些事情会如何。

3."Oh, you came all the way here in spite of the heavy rain. There must be something important, " The friend asked atonce.“哎呀!你冒这么大的雨,从老远赶来,一定有什么事吧?”这位朋友连忙问道。

4.Imagine if everyone did just a few of these atonce? Here is my pst.假想一下每个人立即做了其中的一些事情会怎样。

5.When the king learned this , he got angry ahd sent his men to catch Effendi atonce.当国王得知这时,他生气新纪元派人去抓住一切都会同时分区区会了。

6.Ben stood up and left my house atonce, without saying a word.本马上站起身,一句话没说就离开了我家。

7.This atonce aroused my suspicions.这立刻引起了我们的怀疑。

8.'So we must go to Zenda and bring the King home atonce! 'I said.所以我们必须立即去曾达,把国王弄回来!

9.Your father is very ill, you should call in a doctor atonce.你父亲病得不轻,你得马上去请个医生来。