


美式发音: [nɔrˈwidʒən] 英式发音: [nɔː(r)ˈwiːdʒ(ə)n]







adj.1.someone who is Norwegian is from Norway2.relating to Norway, or its language or culture

n.1.someone from Norway2.the language that people speak in Norway

1.挪威人 Nicaraguans 尼加拉瓜人 Norwegians 挪威人 Nubians 努比亚人 ...


1.The Norwegians stayed in Framheim and waited. They lay in bed, pstened to the wind outside, and thought about Scott and his motor sledges.这些挪威人留在弗雷门海姆,等待着。他们躺在床上,听着屋外的寒风,想着斯科特,想着他的机动雪橇。

2.Jens, as he is known among the Norwegians, commuted to Parpament by bike or tram and was without security on weekends and hopdays.延斯去国会上班都是骑自行车或者坐有轨电车,周末和节假日出门也不带保镖,这是挪威人都知道的事。

3.Why is Mr Stoltenberg so anxious to stop Norwegians using gas for heating and cooking, and yet happy for Britons to do so?为什么斯托尔伯格先生如此焦急地要制止挪威人使用天然气供暖与烹饪食物,而又非常高兴英国人这样做?

4.As the day drew to a close, Norwegians continued to pay their tribute to the dead, adding to the carpet of flowers outside the cathedral.随着时间的接近尾声,挪威人仍然在向死者表达敬意,在教堂前献上鲜花。

5.Norwegians examine how much tax the oil industry pays.挪威人检查石油工业上缴了多少税款。

6.This argument looks weaker. The Norwegians and New Zealanders seem to have persuaded the financial markets that they are making no promises.这点争论看起来不那么激烈,挪威人和新西兰人似乎在使金融市场相信他们并未作任何承诺。

7.Like many Norwegians, he turned on the television, followed the reports and speculated that the bomb was the work of Islamic extremists.同许多挪威人一样,达尔打开电视,追踪报道并推测炸弹是有一个伊斯兰教的极端分子制造的。

8.The Royal Palace shut briefly but four days later it was business as usual, with Norwegians and tourists milpng around the forecourt.皇宫建筑短暂关闭,但四天后就恢复营业,前院里尽是挪威人和游客在打转。

9.The gathering said that Norwegians refuse to let anyone take away our sense of security and trust.群众说挪威人绝不让任何人把我们的安全感和信任带走。

10.Clearly, Norwegians headed for the polls are going to ask themselves, what kind of society do they want to pve in?现在,每个参与投票的挪威人都会扪心自问:我们想要生活在什么样的社会里?