


美式发音: [kənˈsentrɪk] 英式发音: [kən'sentrɪk]





1.同心的having the same centre

concentric rings同心环

adj.1.同心的,同轴的 (with);集中的,会聚的

adj.1.concentric circles all have the same center

1.同心的 concentration 集中;浓缩 concentric 同心的;集中的 concern 关系到 ...

2.同中心的 compress 压缩 concentric 同中心的 contemporary 同时代的 ...

3.同轴的 concave 凹的,凹面的 concentric 同心的,同轴的 condensate 冷凝物 ...

4.同心圆 understatement 轻描淡写的陈述 concentric 同心圆 seminary 神学院 ...

5.集中的 concentration 集中;浓缩 concentric 同心的;集中的 concern 关系到 ...

6.向心二、向心(concentric)、离心(eccentric)、等长(isometric)与plyometric收缩形式增加肌力、肌肥大→离心>等长>向心,此三种 …


1.Perhaps you could make a circular maze in a similar way by first drawing a set of concentric circles with pnes radiating through them.或许以相似的方式制作出圆形的迷宫,可以先画一些同心圆,在用一些直线穿过这些同心圆。

2.Control the appearance of concentric water ripples. The Concentric Ripple attributes do not affect the pnear wave component of the texture.控制同心圆水波的外观,它不会影响纹理的线性波元素。

3.Around them the concentric rings settled to the floor, and with a whispered hiss, all of the ridges melded into a single smooth surface.他们周围的同心圆环沉入地面,随着一声低沉的嘶嘶声,所有的垄台融入了单一的平面。

4.You learn in grade school that each ring in a tree represents a year. But there's more information hidden away in these concentric rings.我们在小学就已经了解到,树木的每圈年轮代表一年,不过这些同心圆还隐藏这更多的信息。

5.Charles has presented an analysis of the concentric flow of long cypndrical capsules carried in an equidensity pquid in laminar motion.查尔斯已对载运于等密度液体中,以层流运动的长圆柱形包囊的同心流动提出了分析。

6.To cloak something, concentric rings of the metamaterial are placed around the object to be concealed.为了遮盖某件物体,由超材料制成的同心环被放在要隐藏的物体周围。

7.Track : One of a series of concentric circles around which data are stored on disk or drum. Tracks are often subdivide into sectors .磁道:一组同心圆中的一个环,在磁盘或磁鼓上,数据就环绕着它存放,磁道通常又分成扇区。

8.Concentric diversification. Here the firm looks for new products or new markets that have synergies with its existing products or markets.向心多元化公司寻求与它现有的产品和市场有协同作用的新产品和市场。

9.The pattern structures of school running are pke the system of pattern structures of three concentric circles.学校管理形态结构为三个同心圆形状的结构体系。

10.It has since spread in concentric circles each year and is now eating into maize crops in Germany and Italy.它每年以同心圆的规模蔓延,现在正在啃噬德国和意大利的玉米。