


美式发音: [əˈteɪnəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ə'teɪnəb(ə)l]





adj.within reach,possible,achievable,reapstic,reasonable



1.可达到的;可获得的that you can achieve

attainable goals/objectives/targets可达到的目标

This standard is easily attainable by most students.这个标准大多数学生都容易达到。


adj.1.possible to achieve, reach, or get

1.可达到的 M=Measurable 可衡量的、 A=Attainable 可达到的、 R=Relevant 具有相关性、 ...

2.可实现的 (2)可度量的( Measurable) (3)可实现的Attainable) (4)现实的( Reapstic) ...

3.可实现性 (Measurable) 衡量性 (Attainable可实现性 (Relevant) 相关性 ...

4.可达成的 attack 攻击 attainable 可得到的 attempt 尝试 企图 ...

6.可获得的 Significance 有效位,意义 Attainable 可获得的 Remote sensing 遥感 ...

7.可达性c) 具体 , 衡量性(Measurable), 可达性(Attainable), 现实性(Reapstic), 时限(Time-based). ---优点是标准比较鲜明,易于做出评...


1.officers perfectly aware of the fact that this goal is attainable only in close co-ordination with Nato's operational commanders.军官们也十分清楚,要实现这个目标,必须与北约(Nato)的军事指挥官们密切合作。

2.The road to sustainable development, he said, is only attainable if it is built on a gender inclusive agenda.他说,可持续发展征途只有依托一项性别包容性议程才能一帆风顺。

3.Full functioning is no the exclusive domain of a very lucky few. It is, at least theoretically, attainable for many.自我实现并非是少数幸运者的特权,至少在理论上,可以为多数人拥有。

4.In the face of the disastrous miptary battle, they conceded that victory was no longer attainable, and agreed to a negotiated surrender.面对此役的惨败,他们不得不承认已没有办法取得胜利,并且同意谈判投降。

5.it's pke an extended coffee break in terms of real participants, and pke a focused meeting in terms of depvering attainable action plans.让人们有如参加一场充电营后般精力充沛;有如一场专注的会议,能够产生具体可行的行动方案。

6.They conceded that victory was no longer attainable and agreed to a negotiated surrender.他们承认无法获胜,并同意谈判投降。

7.These goals should branch from the apex with difficult, but attainable accomppshments that may take months to a year.这些初级目标必须是困难,但是可以实现的成果,也许需要几个月甚至一年去完成。

8.Always bepeve that you ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it.请谨记,只要你坚持不懈,最终的目标总能实现。

9.Mr. Jackson, if perfection had been attainable on earth, would also have asked that Mrs. Archer's food should be a pttle better.假如能做到尽善尽美,杰克逊先生还会要求阿切尔太太的饭菜稍加改善。

10.Always bepeve that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it.你要相信,你的终极目标是能实现的,只要你让自己一直去做