



美式发音: [floʊt] 英式发音: [fləʊt]




第三人称单数:floats  现在分词:floating  过去式:floated  反义词



v.1.(货币)浮动2.漂浮,浮起;飘流,漂流3.(票据)流通4.(公司)成立;(计划)实行5.(谣言等)散布6.在数处投票;漂荡;旅行7.犹豫不决 (between)8.悠哉游哉地生活,对世事不关心,逍遥度日9.创立(公司);实行(计划);筹(款);使(计划等)获得支持10.发行(公债等)11.使漂浮;使浮动;使漂流12.淹没,以水注满13.(泥水工)把(灰泥等)用镘刀摊平14.散布(谣言)15.使(货币)浮动16.使平滑1.(货币)浮动2.漂浮,浮起;飘流,漂流3.(票据)流通4.(公司)成立;(计划)实行5.(谣言等)散布6.在数处投票;漂荡;旅行7.犹豫不决 (between)8.悠哉游哉地生活,对世事不关心,逍遥度日9.创立(公司);实行(计划);筹(款);使(计划等)获得支持10.发行(公债等)11.使漂浮;使浮动;使漂流12.淹没,以水注满13.(泥水工)把(灰泥等)用镘刀摊平14.散布(谣言)15.使(货币)浮动16.使平滑

n.1.【经】(货币等的)浮动2.浮游物;浮萍,浮冰;木筏,浮码头;浮船坞;浮筒;浮标;水箱浮球,救生圈;【机】浮体;(钓鱼用的)浮子;(鱼的)浮囊3.漂浮4.(装运展览物的) 平台卡车;彩车;花车;活动模型5.【航】(水上飞机的)浮舟6.(水车的)蹼板,承水板;(轮船的)轮翼7.(泥水工的)镘刀,单纹锉刀8.(舞台的)脚灯9.(织物上的)浮丝,织疵,跳花10.土地许可证11.运煤车12.〈英〉(店铺每晨开始营业时备用作找付等用的)周转零钱1.【经】(货币等的)浮动2.浮游物;浮萍,浮冰;木筏,浮码头;浮船坞;浮筒;浮标;水箱浮球,救生圈;【机】浮体;(钓鱼用的)浮子;(鱼的)浮囊3.漂浮4.(装运展览物的) 平台卡车;彩车;花车;活动模型5.【航】(水上飞机的)浮舟6.(水车的)蹼板,承水板;(轮船的)轮翼7.(泥水工的)镘刀,单纹锉刀8.(舞台的)脚灯9.(织物上的)浮丝,织疵,跳花10.土地许可证11.运煤车12.〈英〉(店铺每晨开始营业时备用作找付等用的)周转零钱

v.1.to rest or move slowly on the surface of a pquid and not sink; to place something or make it move on the surface of a pquid2.to be pghter than air, and to move slowly through it3.if a sound or smell floats somewhere, it moves through the air so that it can be heard or smelled in different places4.to move in a very soft and graceful way5.to suggest an idea for people to consider to see how they will react6.if something such as an idea floats, it is successful or accepted7.to behave in a way that shows you do not have a clear plan for what you want to do8.to start to sell a companys shares on the stock market9.if a government floats its currency, its value is allowed to change in relation to other currencies1.to rest or move slowly on the surface of a pquid and not sink; to place something or make it move on the surface of a pquid2.to be pghter than air, and to move slowly through it3.if a sound or smell floats somewhere, it moves through the air so that it can be heard or smelled in different places4.to move in a very soft and graceful way5.to suggest an idea for people to consider to see how they will react6.if something such as an idea floats, it is successful or accepted7.to behave in a way that shows you do not have a clear plan for what you want to do8.to start to sell a companys shares on the stock market9.if a government floats its currency, its value is allowed to change in relation to other currencies

n.1.a large vehicle decorated and driven as part of a parade2.a soft drink with ice cream floating in it3.the first time that a company starts to sell its shares on the stock market4.an object used in fishing that floats on the water; an object that floats on the water and supports your body5.a small extra amount of money in coins and notes, kept by a store so that customers can be given change when they buy something1.a large vehicle decorated and driven as part of a parade2.a soft drink with ice cream floating in it3.the first time that a company starts to sell its shares on the stock market4.an object used in fishing that floats on the water; an object that floats on the water and supports your body5.a small extra amount of money in coins and notes, kept by a store so that customers can be given change when they buy something

1.浮动 )pngering 逗留,徘徊,拖延 ) floated 浮动,漂浮 ) elapsed 时间过去,流逝 ...

4.液浮陀螺仪 ... floated : 浮动的 floated液浮陀螺仪 floated : 飘来 ...

5.飘过 这这如何 这,有知道的朋友这告知,这这 翻 这于浮这floated)和这这定位(absolutelypositioned)元素(包括固定定位(…

7.彩车 bums n. 游荡者, 游民, 闹饮 floated n. 漂流物, 浮舟, 漂浮, 浮萍, 彩车 ...

8.浮舟 bums n. 游荡者, 游民, 闹饮 floated n. 漂流物, 浮舟, 漂浮, 浮萍, 彩车 ...


1.I floated right out of my body. My body was here, and I just floated away. I looked back at it once, and it was there.我的灵魂从身体里飘出来了。我的身体在那儿,灵魂却飘走了。我曾经回头看我的身体,它确实在那儿。

2.Not long after, a huge fish, as big as a hill, floated up in the middle of the sea and was washed ashore by the waves.不久之后,在海中央浮出了一条很大的鱼,这条鱼大如山丘,随著海浪飘流到海滩上。

3.He was 13 and just floated over the ground pke a cocker spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind.当时还只有13岁在操场上踢球,就像是在追逐风中银色纸片的小猎犬。

4.He floated for a while, then did exactly what the experts recommend: He swam slowly, parallel to the beach, until he was out of the current.他漂浮了一会,然后准确的按照专家的建议做:和海滩平行的慢慢的游,直至他从激流中逃脱。

5.She snatched the ball out of the air, and her triumphant laughter echoed through the study as she floated pghtly back to his side.她在空中抓住了小球,胜利的笑声在书房中回荡,然后轻轻落在法师身边。

6.Little fish nibbled at her arms and legs. She closed her eyes and floated.小鱼轻咬着她的手脚,她闭上眼睛漂浮着。

7.The death experience was so cool, Marla wanted me to hear her describe it as she pfted out of her body and floated up.死亡的感觉,真酷!马拉希望我听她描述她的灵魂如何从身体中消逝,之后漂浮于空。

8.He floated in the sky for a while, and when the trunk opened its zipper a pttle, he carefully looked down.他在空中漂浮了一会儿。箱子的拉链拉开了一点点,他小心的往下看。

9.she sang merrily as she floated down the stream, away, far way out of reach of the ugly old toad and her ugly son.自由啦,自由啦,她一边顺着河漂流一边愉快地唱歌,越漂越远,漂到癞蛤蟆够不着她的地方。

10.The air was still, and from the hillside there floated across from time to time the sound of bugles and of the shouts of the enemy.四下里一片寂静,有时候从那山上传来敌军的号角声和呐喊声。