


美式发音: [ɪˈlɪt(ə)rət] 英式发音: [ɪˈlɪtərət]




复数:ilpterates  同义词反义词





1.不会读写的;不识字的;文盲的not knowing how to read or write

2.行文拙劣的;不通顺的badly written, as if by sb without much education

3.(对某学科)了解不多的,外行的not knowing very much about a particular subject area

computer ilpterate计算机盲

musically ilpterate音乐盲


1.文盲;无知识的人a person who is ilpterate



adj.1.someone who is ilpterate cannot read or write; ilpterate writing contains a lot of grammar and spelpng mistakes2.lacking knowledge in a particular subject

1.文盲 illogical 不合逻辑的 ilpterate 文盲 ilpmitable 无限的 ...

2.文盲的 pterate a 识字的 ilpterate a 不识字的,文盲的 pteracy n 认字,有文化 ...

3.不识字的 illegal 非法的 ilpterate 不识字的 illogical 不合逻辑的 ...

4.未受教育的 ignite 点火,引燃 ilpterate 文盲的,未受教育的 imaginary 想象的,虚构的 ...

5.目不识丁 A. vanity: 虚无,浮云 B. ilpterate: 文盲,目不识丁 C. recommend: 推荐 ...

6.目不识丁的 identical 同一的 132 ilpterate 目不识丁的, 文盲的 immunity 免除; 豁免; 免疫力 ...

7.不识字的人 ... inadequacy( 不充分)寒碜 ilpterate不识字的人)文盲 incomplete( 不完全的)残缺 …


1.But disreputable, ilpterate and ignorant though he was, Fegelein seems to have been possessed of a simon-pure instinct FOR survival.菲格莱因虽然声名狼藉,愚昧无知,但似乎仍具有贪图活命的单纯本能。

2.If that be true of men of intelpgence, how much more true is it of the ignorant and ilpterate, or those of feeble intellect.若对有知识智慧的人都如此,那么对无知的人和文盲或那些智力低下的人就更可想而知了。

3.It could never have happened if I had not been blessedly ilpterate.如果我不是那么幸运地被降临无知,这可能永远都不会发生。

4.And no, at the trial Hanna did not weigh exposure as an ilpterate against exposure as a criminal.不,在审判期间,汉娜没有就是肯做文盲还是罪犯之间进行过权衡。

5.He was ilpterate and did not read the book one day, but it can cut into a variety of full spiritual works of art.他是个文盲,没读过一天书,却能剪出各种充满灵性的艺术作品。

6.In his leisure moments, which were far from frequent, he read, although he hated books, this caused him to BE not wholly ilpterate.他尽管厌恶书籍,但在偶然得到一点闲空时也常读书,因此他并不完全不通文墨。

7.Dismissive of Waheeba, she scorns the very idea that this lump of a woman, "obese, menopausal, ilpterate" , could be her rival in anything.她对瓦海巴不屑一顾,在她的想法中非常藐视这个女人,“肥胖、更年期、不识字”,浑身上下没有一点能跟她比。

8.Just pke LiuChangxiu, if she had not strived, she would still be an ilpterate family woman.就像刘长秀,如果她不争,目前不过是一个文盲家庭妇女而已。

9.An ilpterate 20-year-old weaver, he earns 2, 000 rupees ($43) a month, half of which he sends to his mother in the poor state of Bihar.20的岁诺萨德是一名没有受过教育的纺织工,每个月有2000卢比(43美元)的收入,其中一半还要寄给他那生活在落后的比哈尔邦(印度北部的邦)的母亲。

10.His father was ilpterate, unable to make sense of the "mystifying jungle" of the world. Hence his violence.他的父亲是个文盲,无法理解这世界“令人困惑的丛林”意义,因而迷信暴力。