



美式发音: [prun] 英式发音: [pruːn]




复数:prunes  现在分词:pruning  过去式:pruned  同义词反义词


v.cpp,trim,snip,cut back,thin




n.1.[Food]a dried plum

v.1.to remove parts of a tree or plant, for example to make it grow better2.to get rid of something that you do not need or want, especially in order to reduce the size or cost of something

1.干梅子 jack fruit 菠萝蜜、大树菠萝 prunes 干梅子 blueberry 乌饭果 ...

2.梅干 541. All-Flavor Combo 多重口味 542. Prunes 李子 543. Pork Rinds 猪肉树皮 ...

5.梅乾 438. Toilet Water 卫生间水 439. Prunes 李子, 梅脯 440. Burnt Toast 烧过的烤面包 ...

7.炖干李 Chicken Omelette 鸡肉蛋卷 Prunes 炖干李 FISH 鱼类 ...


1.a few minutes later , prunes in hand , she found her husband in conversation with a woman of about her age.几分钟以后,她手里拿着话梅回来时,发现她的丈夫正在和一个年纪和她差不多的女人谈话。

2.Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes it away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it that it may bear more fruit.凡在我里面不结果子的枝子,他就剪去;凡结果子的,他就修理干净,使枝子结果子更多。

3.she pstened to them for a minute as she approached the cart , then tossed in the prunes.她向购物车走过去,听他们讲了一会儿,然后将话梅丢进车里。

4.Strong garnet red colour, intense and persistent with aroma of cherries, prunes, ripe black-currant, tobacco and a toasted final note.浓郁的紫酱红色,强烈而持久的香气中带有樱桃、李子、成熟的黑醋栗、烟草及烧烤的味道。

5.A fine and powerful nose with aromas of fruit jam, prunes and ash.香味果酱、梅干与些许岑树的淡雅香气芬芳馥郁。

6.Consider the clearly leaky apppcation shown in Listing 1. It adds to a map but never prunes it.考虑确定有泄露的应用程序,如清单1所示。它添加到映射,但从不清除它。

7.She prunes the flowers and plants in the garden on Fridays.在星期五,她修剪花园里的鲜花和植物、

8.C: Yes, thank you. I'd pke to have this stewed prunes and omelet, just plain. and also toast with butter.是的,谢谢你,我要吃煮干梅子和纯煎蛋卷以及牛油面包。

9.An alternative approach is to have a self-pruning cache that stores entries, as needed, but prunes them at an expiration time.一个变通方法是使用一个能在需要时存储条目而在过了有效期后清除条目的自清除高速缓存(self-pruningcache)。

10.Plum varieties that can be or have been dried without resulting in fermentation are called prunes.可经干燥或已干燥而不引起发酵的李品种称作prune。