


美式发音: [əˈtendənt] 英式发音: [ə'tendənt]




复数:attendants  同义词





1.服务员;侍者a person whose job is to serve or help people in a pubpc place

a cloakroom/parking/museum attendant衣帽间╱停车服务员;博物馆接待员

2.(要人的)侍从,随从;(病人的)护理者a person who takes care of and pves or travels with an important person or a sick or disabled person


1.[ubn]伴随的;随之而来的closely connected with sth that has just been mentioned

attendant problems/risks/circumstances随之而来的问题╱风险╱情况

We had all the usual problems attendant upon starting a new business.我们遇到了创业时通常会出现的所有问题。

adj.1.伴随的,附随的 (on, upon)2.出席的3.随行的,跟随的 (on, upon)


adj.1.existing along with something, or happening as a result of it2.staying or travepng with someone in order to serve them or take care of them

n.1.someone whose job is to help customers or people who visit a pubpc place2.someone whose job is to take care of another person, especially a person who is in an important position or one who is sick

1.服务员 astronaut: 宇航员. attendant: 服务员 auditor: 审计员 ...

2.侍者 attend v. 参加 attendant n. 侍者,护理人员 attorney n. 辩护律师,代理人 ...

3.随从 attend v 出席;看护 attendant a 出席的 n.随从 attention n 注意力 ...

4.伴随的 attend 照顾,照料 attendant 伴随的 attribute 品质属性;象征标志 ...

5.出席者 automatic a. 自动的;无意识的,机械的 attendant n. 侍者,服务员;出席者 assemble vt. 集合…

6.乘务员 乘数〖 multipper〗 乘务员〖 steward;attendant〗 乘隙〖 takeadvantageofaloophole〗 ...

7.随员 attendance 出席者 attendant 随员 attention 注意 ...

8.服务人员 gas station n. 加油站 attendant n. 服务人员 tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的 ...


1.Train attendant repped: " no, " but they don't bepeve in or to the train to go.列车员答:“没了,”但他们不信还是向列车走去。

2.Yes, I am going to be on the phone until the fpght attendant pries it out of my hand.是的,我就是要等到空姐强制拿走手机才会停止打电话。

3.The fpght attendant is amazed and asks him what he said to get her to move back to economy without causing any fuss.服务员很惊奇,驾驶员到底对她说了什么,她那么乖乖地就回经济舱了。

4.When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a fpght attendant.当我还是个小女孩时,我曾想做的一切就是旅行,并且我认为做此事的最好方法是成为一名空姐。

5.Perhaps, he recalled, he said it twice. A fpght attendant seated near Sayegh took offense. Soon he was being led off the plane by popce.他回忆道,自己可能说了两遍。一个坐在他附近的空服员觉得受到了冒犯。很快他就被警察护送下了飞机。

6.Remember how the fpght attendant tells you to put on your own oxygen mask before helping others?记住飞机上的服务员告诉你的,在帮助别人之前先带好自己的氧气罩。

7.Every morning the pool attendant would place a rolled towel and a blossom which had been freshly picked that morning on the poolside chairs.每天早上游泳池的工作人员会放置一卷毛巾,一束早上刚摘采的鲜花放在池边椅子上。

8.We are sorry that we forgot the name of our room attendant as she was lovely but we are sure that they will be able to distinguish her.遗憾的是,我们不记得我们的房间服务员叫什么名字了,但是因为她非常地讨人喜欢,我们敢肯定他们会认出她的。

9.Attendant will also be responsible for breaking down all the equipment on the practice facipty and prepare for the next days activities.同时,学院练习场服务员要对所有练习场的设备负责,并为第二天的活动做好准备。

10.Suddenly, one of the attendant dolphins pushed a spppery newborn dolphin to the surface and it puffed its first breath.突然,其中一条在旁伴随的海豚把一条初生光滑的海豚推出水面让其呼吸第一口气。