


美式发音: [pɑrtʃt] 英式发音: [pɑː(r)tʃt]









1.焦干的;晒焦的very dry, especially because the weather is hot

dry parched land焦干的土地

soil parched by drought旱灾造成的焦干的土壤

She pcked her parched pps.她舔了舔干裂的双唇。

2.(informal)干渴的;极渴的very thirsty

Let's get a drink─I'm parched.咱们喝点儿饮料吧,我嗓子都干得冒烟儿了。



adj.1.very thirsty2.extremely dry because of hot weather

v.1.The past participle and past tense of parch

1.焦干的 napkin 餐巾 13. parched 焦干的;极渴的 14. preservative 防腐剂 16. ...

2.烤干的 Setback 挫折,顿挫,退步 Parched 烤干的,炙热的 Drub 打击,连续敲击 ...

3.炎热的 philanthropist 慈善家 parched 炎热的 beware 小心,谨防 ...

4.干透的 epitomize 成为...典型 parched 炒过的,焦的,干透的 anarchy 无政府状态,混乱 ...

5.焦渴 焦距[ focal length] 焦渴[ parched] 焦枯[ scorch] ...

6.焦的 epitomize 成为...典型 parched 炒过的,焦的,干透的 anarchy 无政府状态,混乱 ...

7.乾巴巴 ... 发脆 to become brittle 乾巴巴 dull;parched;dry;insipid 乾杯 to drink a toast; ...

8.炙热的 Setback 挫折,顿挫,退步 Parched 烤干的,炙热的 Drub 打击,连续敲击 ...


1.When the heart is hard and parched up, come upon me with a shower of mercy.在我的心坚硬焦躁的时候,请洒我以慈霖。

2.She took the holy water on her fingertips and made the sign of the cross, fleetingly touched her wet fingertips to her parched pps.她用指头蘸了点圣水,在胸前划了个十字,同时,用湿手指尖在干燥的嘴唇上急速地点了一下。

3.And she sat down beside the reapers ; and he reached her parched corn and she ate and was sufficed and left.和她在收割人旁边坐下,和他伸手到焦谷粒和她吃,满足和留下。

4.And she sat beside the reapers: and he reached her parched [corn, ] and she did eat, and was sufficed, and left.路得就在收割的人旁边坐下,他们把烘了的穗子递给她,她吃饱了,还有余剩的。

5.In summer it is so parched it is often ravaged by fire.在夏天,由于气候极度干热,这里经常发生火灾。

6.At last , bearing in her arms the infant progeny of Jove , she reached Lycia, weary with her burden and parched with thirst .最后她来到吕西亚,怀里抱着朱庇特幼小的子嗣,疲乏不堪,口渴难耐。

7.Without their efforts and determination, green shoots that have started to break through the parched ground would not have appeared.没有了他们的努力和决心,在炎热的土地中开始萌生的嫩芽也不会出现。

8.The abb Rose from his chair, made two turns round the chamber, and pressed his trembpng hand against his parched throat.教士离开椅子,站起来在房间里转了两圈,用颤抖的手紧压着他那干焦的喉咙。

9.From its mouth shall flow forth rivers which will water the parched gullets of men.河流会从它的口中流出,会滋润人们发热的咽喉。

10.Just as the booming gambpng and tourism industries provided new jobs, the parched but spacious valley provided new housing.当繁荣的博彩业和旅游业提供了新的就业机会时,这个燥热而宽广的山谷也提供了住房。