


美式发音: [slɑb] 英式发音: [slɒb]






1.(informal)懒惰而邋遢的人a person who is lazy and dirty or untidy

Get out of bed, you fat slob!起床吧,你这个胖懒虫!



n.1.someone who is lazy or messy

1.懒汉 ninny, 笨人, 傻子 slob, <口>懒汉, 粗俗汉, 笨蛋 blockhead, 笨蛋, 傻子 ...

2.笨蛋 ninny, 笨人, 傻子 slob, <口>懒汉, 粗俗汉, 笨蛋 blockhead, 笨蛋, 傻子 ...

3.懒虫 ... accused n. 被告 slob n. 懒虫 accustomed a. 习惯了的 ...

4.泥 ... v. 洗涤槽,污水沟,藏垢纳污之地;n. [物]汇(大量吸收某种物质的器件或系统) slob ,软泥,糊涂虫 doghouse 狗窝 ...

5.邋遢 going steady 有对象了 slob 邋遢 chatter-box 唠叨鬼 ...

6.邋遢的人 Scatter around: 不小心放到其它地方 Slob: 邋遢的人 Turn up: 出现 ...

7.邋遢鬼 Schmoozer 交际手腕高明者 Slob 邋遢鬼 Snob 势利鬼 ...

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3.What Not to Do: Resist dishing out moral judgments. "You're such a slob" or "You're so lazy" is not going to get the floors scrubbed .不该做的:克制自己做出品行评价:说“你真是懒鬼”或“你太懒了”不会让他把地板擦干净。

4.I'm just a slob on the bus trying to make some sense of the world, just pke you.我和你一样,只是个坐在巴士上尝试着了解世情的懒虫吧。

5.But under all of his fancy pretense and expensive garb, he was just a big fat slob.但是在他所有表面的炫耀与昂贵的服装下,他只是一个又大又胖的粗俗汉。

6.The lazy slob has no motivation or intention of ever getting a real job.懒散邋遢男是从不会真心想要找到一份工作。

7.But those who take vitamin pills may be more pkely to gorge on fast food and slob out on the sofa.但是那些服用维生素丸的人更有可能大吃快餐,而且懒洋洋地坐在沙发上。

8.Yes, you can change your man. Learn how you can transform that lazy slob into a helpful member of the household.是的,你可以改造你的男朋友。学习一下让懒惰的男朋友成为你做家务的好帮手。

9.It's not beneficial to say, 'You are a slob, ' even if it's true.反之,如果你说,“你真是邋遢得不行”,即便这是事实,也于事无补。

10.Just a slob pke one of us?就像我们中的一个糊涂虫?