


美式发音: [ˈɔbri] 英式发音: [ˈɔ:bri]





1.奥布里 Atwood 亚特伍德 Aubrey 奥布里 August 奥格斯格 ...

2.奥布芮 Eric Carmen 艾瑞克卡门 Aubrey 奥布芮 - Bread 面包合唱团 ...

3.奥布瑞rian: A Life Revealed),以及奥布瑞(Aubrey)与马杜林(Maturin)海上冒险故事集的两本指南:《词语之海》(A Sea of Words) …

4.奥白 ... Arnold( 昂乐,雅乐) Aubrey奥白,雅白) Barnabas( 巴尔纳,柏立) ...

5.返璞丽 Avalon 阿瓦隆 AUBREY 返璞丽 PHILIP B 菲利普B ...

6.奥勃莱 尤杰恩 Eugene 奥勃莱 Aubrey 克莱格 Craig ...

7.剃刀杀人狂 2X11再生 EXCELSIUSDEI 2X12剃刀杀人狂 AUBREY 2X13摧花狂疑云 IRRESISTIBLE ...

8.奥布里几 BADGER 贝吉獾 Aubrey 奥布里几 Crystal 水晶 ...


1.Aubrey: The syrup reduced the development of cavities by fifty to seventy percent, depending on how much kids received.奥布里:这种糖浆可以将蛀牙的形成减少50%到70%,取决于孩子们吸收了多少。

2.Aubrey Fox, one of the authors, is in London at the moment trying to create a British branch of the Center for Court Innovation.该书作者之一AubreyFox目前在伦敦,他希望在英国创建一个法庭改革中心分部。

3.With his beard and robust opinions, there's something of the Old Testament prophet about Aubrey de Grey.奥布里·德格雷(AubreydeGrey)留着胡子并且发表意见信心十足,颇有旧约先知的味道。

4.Aubrey's on his way here, with the others.奥布里和其余的人正在来这儿的路上。

5.Aubrey de Grey is one of the world's best-known pfe-extension researchers and a Singularity Summit veteran.奥布里·德格雷(AubreydeGrey)是一位享有世界声誉的长寿研究专家,同时也是奇点峰会的资深会员。

6.We've seen it in Staff Sergeant Aubrey McDade, who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines.我们在上士麦达德身上的美国特质,他负责伊拉克的一次埋伏并拯救了三名同伴的海军陆战队队员。

7.Shelley never married but she fprted with the young French writer Prosper Merimee, and hoped to marry Maj. Aubrey Beauclerk.雪莱从未结过婚,但她徘徊在与年轻法国作家梅里美繁荣,并希望嫁给少校

8.If Aubrey de Grey's predictions are right, the first person who will pve to see their 150th birthday has already been born.如果奥布里•德•格雷的预测是正确的话,第一个能够活到150岁的人已经出生了。

9.Toland was fascinated by Aubrey's Stonehenge theories, and wrote his own book, without crediting Aubrey.托兰被奥布里的巨石阵理论迷住,但没有相信奥布里,并且写了自己的书。

10.Aubrey: Because past studies have shown that supertasters experience stronger taste sensations from lots of foods.奥布里:因为过去的研究显示,味觉超敏感者对许多食物的味觉感受都比较强烈。