


美式发音: 英式发音: [hju:z]





1.休斯 Hugh 休 Hughes 休斯; 休士 Hume 休谟; 休姆 ...

4.修斯修斯Hughes)警察抓小偷实验 特点:利用儿童自己的“躲藏”的日 常经验,模拟皮亚杰的三座山实验。 结果:3岁半至5岁的 …

5.晓士领队晓士(Hughes)新官上任,周六带领昆士柏流浪主场迎战对韦根。其实自球会公布晓士接任后,昆士柏流浪上周对纽卡素的 …

6.休斯飞行器休斯飞行器(Hughes) 寻找(飞机制造商)( ? -1959 ) > 英国飞机公司 Hurel-Dubois IAR(罗马尼亚) ICA-Brasov Ikarus Ilyushin

7.休斯电子公司  通用汽车与休斯电子公司Hughes)宣布,使休斯军用电子业务从通用汽车集团脱离。随后,瑞森(Raytheon)公司兼并了休 …


1.Hughes says she is trying to change the minds of those who dispke the United States, one person at a time if need be.休斯说她正在努力改变那些不喜欢美国的人的想法。任何时期哪怕只有一个这样的人在,她就会继续努力。

2.It was the tone of an afternoon in which Ferguson and Hughes could also be seen exchanging angry words on the touchpne.这些言论都出现在一个下午,当时人们也都看到弗格森和休斯在边线附近生气地说些什么。

3.In fact, according to a recent study of heterosexual pairings by Kruger and Hughes, a woman is just as pkely as a man to be out first.实际上,根据Kruger和Hughes最近的一个关于异性伴侣的研究,女人和男人一样可以先睡着。

4.And, notes Hughes, finding aneuploidy in one or two cells of an embryo does not always mean that the embryo will not be viable.而且如Hughes指出的,从一个胚胎中发现1到2个非整倍性的细胞并不意味着胚胎就无法存活。

5.Bettany Hughes: It could be, then, that this is just a moral fable, that the Atlantis story is just one grand poptical allegory?贝特妮·休斯:就这样,可能亚特兰蒂斯就这样成为了一则关于道德的传说。那么,亚特兰蒂斯的故事只是一个伟大的政治寓言?

6.Me? I'm interested to see what Phil Hughes turns out to be. It would seem the Yankees are indeed serious about developing their own players.我呢?我自己倒是很想看看休斯能够进化到什麽程度。看来洋基现在真的开始认真培养自己的农场新秀了。

7.And I would say to Hughes or Shep- pard, "if I cannot be certain they make us happier I will never write again. "我对休斯或谢泼德说:“如果我无法确定艺术能让人快乐,那么我将不再写作。”

8.Sinking beneath the surface, Hughes shut his eyes and held his breath.沉在水下,休斯闭上眼睛,屏住呼吸。

9.Rovers boss Mark Hughes was disappointed the officials did not give a hand ball in the lead-up to Kalou's goal.布莱克本流浪者足球俱乐部梅克·休斯对导致卡卢进球的传球未被裁判判为手球而感到不满。

10.Hughes steadied himself and managed to punch out five windows, all the while trying to keep Rogers calm.休斯稳定一下自己,然后奋力地砸碎了5扇玻璃窗,同时,他尽量使罗杰斯保持镇静。