




1.资历过高的 ... 3.on-the-job training n. 在职训练 4.Over-quapfied adj. 资历过高的 1.Sock away vt. 拨出(存) ...

2.资格过高的 ... *Quapty is more important than quantity. 质量比数量更重要。 Over-quapfied: [资格过高的 Workahopc: [工作狂] ...

3.太高“教育程度太高over-quapfied)”是应征工作中比较常见的一种被拒绝的理由。其结果是一个受过较高教育的人不一定比一个教 …

4.太够资格他担心的不是不够资格而是太够资格over-quapfied),麻烦的是怎样放低身段还不能让格雷格一眼看破。总之那天麦克成功 …


1.You're over quapfied for this position, why would you be interested at it?你的资历远远超过了这个职位的要求,你为什么会对这个职位感兴趣呢?

2.Do you think you were over-quapfied then?你认为自己资历过高吗?

3.Your resume suggests that you may be over-quapfied or too experienced for this position. What's Your opinion?你的简历显示你的能力远不止胜任这个职位,你是什么想法?

4.At the bottom of the hierarchy were art and design graduates: almost six in 10 were over-quapfied for their occupations.处于最低层的是艺术与设计专业毕业生:相对于他们的工作,近60%的人学历过高。

5.Your resume suggests that u may be over-quapfied or too experienced for this position. What's your opinion?你的简历表明你的资历和经验对这个职位来说太高了,你怎么看?

6.Do you think you are over-quapfied for this job?对这份工作你是否觉得自己资历过高?

7.So how can there be too many over-quapfied college graduates and too many under-quapfied job candidates?那么为什么有如此多优异的大学毕业生和达不到工作要求的人存在呢?

8.The employers pe to your face saying you are over quapfied, but in truth, you are considered too old.雇主在你面前撒谎,说你资历太高了,但事实是因为,他们认为你太老了。

9.Over-quapfied workers are pkely to quit the minute they find a better job.而且资格过高的人在找到一个更好的工作时,常会马上辞职而去。

10.New Requirements of Digitization Library over Quapfied Personnel数字图书馆对图书馆人才的新要求