


美式发音: [ɔ:'ɡʌstə] 英式发音: [ɔ:'ɡʌstə]





un.1.city on the western bank of the Savannah River, in east central Georgia. It was previously known as Fort Cornwalps.2.capital city of Maine and vacation resort, in the southwest of the state, on the Kennebec River.

1.奥古斯塔 Houston 休斯敦号 Augusta 奥古斯塔号 Portland 波特兰号 ...

6.奥古斯塔俱乐部 罗曼提(Virginia Rometty)成 为奥古斯塔俱乐部Augusta)首位女性会员:主席比利· 佩恩(Billy Payne),鉴于其包容 …

7.奥古斯都到了之后,您会发现从布塞尔顿(Busselton)到奥古斯都Augusta)都充满节日乐趣。这些活动有的轻松,有的别致,但都 …

8.奥古斯塔公主  美国乔治亚州的一个城市名和河港名,以英国国王乔治二世的儿媳奥古斯塔公主Augusta)命名。  (11)奥林匹亚(Olympia…


1.She bore him a daughter and left him within a year, hinting that he had an immoral relationship with his half sister Augusta.她给他生了一个女儿,不到一年就离开了他,暗示他和他的同父异母姐姐奥古斯塔关系暖昧。

2.and when they left the house together she had permitted herself to say to her son: "I'm thankful that Augusta Welland received us alone. "当他们一起离开那所住宅时,她不加掩饰地对儿子说:“我很高兴奥古斯塔·韦兰单独接待了我们。”

3.But the four-time Augusta champion said he was happy to be returning to golf, and the welcome from the fans 'blew me away'.但是,身为四届奥古斯塔名人赛的冠军,伍兹说他很高兴能够重返高尔夫球场,粉丝们的欢呼声差点把我“吹跑”。

4.Until this week, I had subscribed to the notion he would return in March and play a Florida tuneup or two before heading to Augusta, Ga.直到本周,我还相信他将会在三月回佛罗里达预演,接着参加两周后的美国名人赛。

5.But Mr Woods's warm reception at Augusta suggests that he is well on his way to recovering his star power.但是伍兹在奥古斯塔受到的热情接待表明他正在重现他的星光。

6.Sure, he was a Democrat, but he grew up in Augusta, where my daddy is from.当然了,他是个民主党,不过他是在奥古斯塔长大的,那是我父亲的家乡。

7.Randy balked. According to a brief Augusta later filed, he was concerned that she was "hostile to God" .据奥古斯塔后来提交的一份案情摘要称,妻子“对上帝怀有敌意”,这令他感到很担心。

8.But the golfer does have at least one memorable shot. He got a hole in one today at Augusta National.但是这位高尔夫明星至少风光了一次,他在奥古斯塔国家高尔夫球场一杆进洞。

9.All this reveals the far-reaching change and impact of domus Augusta on the relationship between family and state.这些无不反映出,“奥古斯都家族”的出现给家国关系所带来的深远变化和影响。

10.Woods plans to end more than four months of seclusion and play at Augusta National, one of the most tightly controlled environments in golf.伍兹计划结束四个多月的休赛,参加将在对比赛环境控制最为的高尔夫球场——奥古斯塔高尔夫俱乐部举行的名人赛。