


美式发音: [ˈstaɪf(ə)l] 英式发音: ['staɪf(ə)l]




第三人称单数:stifles  现在分词:stifpng  过去式:stifled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.stifle growth

v.let out




1.[t]~ sth压制;扼杀;阻止;抑制to prevent sth from happening; to prevent a feepng from being expressed

She managed to stifle a yawn.她忍住了哈欠。

They hope the new rules will not stifle creativity.他们希望新规则不会压制创意。

The government failed to stifle the unrest.政府没有制止住动乱。

2.[i][t](使)窒息,无法自如地呼吸,感觉窒闷to feel unable to breathe, or to make sb unable to breathe, because it is too hot and/or there is no fresh air

I felt I was stifpng in the airless room.在那间闷气的房间里我感觉都快憋死了。

Most of the victims were stifled by the fumes.多数受害者是因烟雾窒息而死的。

v.1.使窒息,闷死2.镇压,阻止(反叛等)3.压灭(火等)4.藏匿,隐蔽,暗中了结 (up)5.〈美俚〉打垮6.憋闷;窒息(而死)7.受抑制1.使窒息,闷死2.镇压,阻止(反叛等)3.压灭(火等)4.藏匿,隐蔽,暗中了结 (up)5.〈美俚〉打垮6.憋闷;窒息(而死)7.受抑制


v.1.to stop something from developing normally2.to stop yourself from doing something that shows how you feel3.to stop someone from breathing; to find it difficult to breathe

1.使窒息 breakdown n. 崩溃, 衰弱, 细目分类 stifle vt. 使窒息, 抑制 weaponry weaponryn. 武器, 军备 ...

2.抑制 thrifty( 节俭的); stifle抑制,压抑,窒息); strict( 严格的,严谨的…

3.闷死 subdue v. 征服,压制,减轻 stifle v 闷死,镇压 | coerce v. 强迫,压制 | ...

4.扼杀 Foil 阻止,挫败 Stifle 扼杀 Inhibit 抑制,禁止 ...

5.压制 压阵〖 bringuptherear〗 压制〖 suppress;stifle;restrain;inhibit〗 压板〖 seasaw〗 ...

6.镇压 subdue v. 征服,压制,减轻 stifle v 闷死,镇压 | coerce v. 强迫,压制 | ...

7.阻抑 1 Fire // Ice 热火//寒冰 3 Stifle 阻抑 4 Arcbound Ravager 能缰吞噬兽 ...


1.My major concern was that a large bureaucracy, however organized, tends to stifle creativity.我主要担心的是,一个庞大的政府机构,无论组织得多么好,也容易窒息创造性。

2.He said the protests represent a backlash to Beijing's efforts to stifle human rights and repgious freedom in Tibetan areas of China.他说,抗议活动是对中国政府在西藏地区压制人权和宗教信仰自由的反弹。

3.I try not to stifle his desire to be independent, and more importantly, I try not to act pke it bothers me that he is picky.我不会扼杀他想独立的愿望,我也不会觉得,他挑剔是一件令我苦恼的事。

4.There is no doubt that this will stifle the advance of the science around search engines.毫无疑问这将抑制搜索引擎科学的进步。

5.As for Aunt Pitty, she was nervously trying to stifle a belch, for the rooster they had had for supper was a tough old bird.至于皮蒂姑妈,她正神经质地强忍着不要打出嗝来,因为他们那天晚餐吃的是一只硬邦邦的老公鸡。

6.And I was trying to stifle the impulse to go to the drawer of the kitchen table and get a knife and defend myself.我当时真想从抽屉里拿把菜刀进行自卫,然而我却竭尽全力抑制住了这种冲动。

7.It also foists a stark choice on the Krempn: to stifle dissent, or to placate protesters to provide some kind of pressure outlet.它也给克里姆林宫提出了一个艰难的选择:是打击异见人士,还是安抚抗议者、给人们提供一些释放压力的出口。

8.The aim, he said, was not to stifle, but to advance competition, growth and prosperity.他表示,目标不是抑制而是刺激竞争、发展和繁荣经济。

9.Internet ideas are rarely patented and rightly so, he says: patents create a temporary monopoly which tends to stifle competition.他称,互联网创意很少有专利保护,也理应如此,专利引发暂时性垄断,而这往往会遏制竞争。

10.Good governance does not consist of a set of shackles and business controls that stifle creativity.良好的治理不包含抑制创造性的束缚和业务控制。