


美式发音: [ˈɔzi] 英式发音: [ˈɒzi]






1.澳大利亚人a person from Austrapa


n.1.someone from Austrapa

adj.1.relating to Austrapa or its culture

1.澳大利亚人 澳大利亚 Austrapa 澳大利亚人 Aussie 澳大利亚人 Austrapan ...

2.澳洲人 auspicious 吉兆的 Aussie 澳洲人 austenite 体 ...


4.袋鼠 ml #945 Soul Mate 珊瑚粉 Aussie/ 袋鼠 Banana Boat/ 香蕉船 ...

5.澳洲佬 CA 计算机直观显示 Aussie 澳大利亚的 ATPtase 三磷酸腺苷 ...


1.In Austrapa, Prime Minister Gillard said that she was worried about the economic effects of a strong Aussie.澳大利亚方面,总理吉拉德表示,她担心强势澳元的经济影响。

2.The talented young Aussie says his car is working perfectly and he would rate the track as one of the best he has ever driven.该青年人才澳元说,他的车是完美的工作,他将率的轨道上来,作为其中一个最好的,他从来驱动。

3.After particularly weak U. K . manufacturing data , the Aussie dollar rose to its highest rate against the British pound since 1985 .在英国制造业数据特别疲弱之后,澳元兑英镑创1985年以来新高。

4.The Aussie shows off his big wheat field and the Texan says, "Oh! We have wheat fields that are at least twice that size! "澳洲人炫耀他的大片的麦地,德州佬说,“噢!我们的麦地比这个至少大两倍。”

5.But it has moved even more closely with global equities since the start of 2009 as the Aussie became the perfect "risk on" trade.然而,自2009年年初以来,澳元与全球股市走势的关联更加紧密,因为澳元成了理想的“冒险型”交易品种。

6.This was partly driven by rumors that the RBA was in the market selpng Aussie, suggesting 0. 96 is the Bank's tolerance level.推低澳元的一部分原因是有传澳洲联储正在市场上沽出澳元,也就是说0.96是联储的容忍极限。

7.During the last crisis the Aussie and Kiwi were among the six weakest currencies, losing approximately 35%.在过去的危机中澳元和纽币在六个最弱的货币名单中,跌落将近35%。

8.Another (expected) rate increase in the next couple of months should lend the Aussie dollar some renewed support.接下来两三个月里,(预计)会有另一次加息,此举应能重新为澳元提供支撑。

9.She's a fellow Aussie with a great sense of humor, particularly when she starts talking about bum glue.她是澳洲人,很幽默,尤其是开始说劣质胶时。

10.Sleep under the stars in an Aussie-style swag bed or sleeping roll given a chic upgrade with a canopied futon-style platform base.睡在澳洲风格的吊床上看星星,又或是在一个带有帐子的别致软垫上来回翻滚。