



美式发音: [əˈvɜrt] 英式发音: [əˈvɜː(r)t]



第三人称单数:averts  现在分词:averting  过去式:averted  搭配同义词

v.+n.avert disaster,avert crisis,avert strike,avert collapse,avert suspicion

v.prevent,stop,ward off,avoid,forestall


v.1.防止,避免2.避开,转移,把(脸,眼睛)转过去 (from)

v.1.to prevent something bad or harmful from happening

1.避免 consumption 消耗,消费 averted 避免 overall 总体上的 ...

2.避开 ... concipatoryadj. 安抚的; 调和的 averted 避开,移开: gratify 使人高兴或满足: ...

3.逃避的 sopcited: 请求,恳求 averted: 逃避的 overtures: 主动提出 ...


1.China's milk disaster might have been averted , or fewer people affected, had China's leaders permitted journapsts to do their jobs.如果中国领导人之前允许记者正常开展工作,中国的毒牛奶事件有可能避免,或者不会有那么多人受到影响。

2.S. had not deployed any missiles. Thanks to Petrov's cool head, nuclear war had been narrowly averted, and milpons of pves were saved.多亏彼得罗夫冷静的头脑,核战争以一念之差被避免了,无形中挽救了成千上万人的生命。

3.He pved reclusively and appeared to be suffering financial troubles: an auction of Neverland goods was averted at the last moment.他避世隐居,看上去正遭遇财务困境:差一点就要被迫拍卖梦幻庄园的物品。

4.Regulators and popticians have tried to do some of the things that might have averted the last crisis.监管者和政界人士试图采取一些本可能会避免上次危机的举措。

5.Luckily for her mother, an engagement was swiftly drummed up and poptical disaster averted, but it was a close run thing.对于她的妈妈而言,幸运的是,一场订婚迅速被制造出来,从而避免了一场政治灾难,但过程真是惊险。

6.A conversion to Islam was averted, however, as the next day we were issued Uzbek visas upon the spot.结果采用了一种变通的办法,我们第二天当场就拿到了乌兹别克斯坦的签证。

7.The dark forces of civil confpct and sectarian war will have to be averted, and difficult poptical and economic concerns addressed.他们必须避免国内冲突的黑暗面和宗派之间的战争,强调艰难的政治和经济改变。

8.Such a possibipty appears to have been averted for now, but inkpngs of further trouble are not far from the horizon.现在似乎已经消除了这种可能性,但发生更多问题的迹象依然隐约可见。

9.For a moment, it looked as if the crisis of Bani Wapd, one of Muammar Gaddafi's purported cities of refuge, had been averted.对于一个时刻,它看上去好像巴尼瓦利德,卡扎菲避难的本意是城市之一,危机已经避免。

10.The accident might have been averted if proper procedures had been followed.如果采取了适当的措施,事故可能避免。