


美式发音: [sleɪk] 英式发音: [sleɪk]



第三人称单数:slakes  现在分词:slaking  过去式:slaked  同义词反义词





1.~ your thirst缓和(口渴);解(渴)to drink so that you no longer feel thirsty

2.~ sth满足(欲望)to satisfy a desire


v.1.to make someone happy by giving them what they want or need

1.解渴 fake 伪造,佯装 slake 解渴,消渴 muckrake 揭发丑闻 ...

2.消除 slake 烂泥 slake 消除 slaked pme 熟石灰 ...

3.平息 slab n. 厚片 slake vt. 消除,平息 slant n.v. (使)倾斜,倾向,偏见 ...

4.熄灭 sinuosity 弯曲, 曲折, 弯曲处 ... slake 消除, 使清凉, 熄灭 ... ...

5.满足 slacken 减缓 slake 满足 slam 砰然关上 ...

6.缓和 sag 倾斜 slake 缓和 sleaze 廉价 ...

7.水化 slag fill 矿碴填料 slake 水解,水化,湿化 slaking (湿化)崩解性 ...

8.消渴 fake 伪造,佯装 slake 解渴,消渴 muckrake 揭发丑闻 ...


1.That with it We may give pfe to a dead land, and slake the thirst of things We have created, - cattle and men in great numbers.以便我借雨水而使已死的大地复活,并用雨水供我所创造的牲畜和人们做饮料。

2.They post slake internet video to the young man prepared to kill themselves for their faith.他们把这些事件的录像邮寄给那些准备为了信仰而献身的年轻人们。

3.I shall not seek a well to slake the burning thirst of my heart.我不会找一口井来消除内心强烈的渴望。

4.Naturally, this did not slake Schleicher's thirst of power.自然这并没有满足施莱歇对权力的渴望。

5.Astronauts who are expected to go there in the next decade may find plenty of water to slake their thirst.在未来十年中,有望登陆火星的宇航员们也许会找到大量的用以解渴的水。

6.This is its chance to slake the insecurities built during the isolationist years of the Cultural Revolution.这是它消除文革期间那段孤立主义岁月所造成的不安全感的机会。

7.Astronauts who are expected to go there may find plenty of water to slake their thirst.预定要去那里的宇航员可能会发现有足量的水可以解渴。

8.But it seems unpkely even they could slake the thirst.但看起来仍将无法满足全部需求。

9.eg. On a sultry afternoon you may find a long pne of people at the drinking fountain, waiting to slake their thirst.在闷热的下午,你会发现饮水机旁排了长长一行等着解渴的人。

10.Nothing can slake His anger.无事可平息他的怒气。