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复数:axes  单数:axe  现在分词:axing  过去式:axed  同义词反义词






n.1.a tool used for cutting down trees and cutting up large pieces of wood, consisting of a long wooden handle and a heavy metal blade

v.1.to close a business, stop providing a service, or make people lose their jobs

na.1.The variant of axe

1.斧子 awkward a. 笨拙的;尴尬的 ax n. 斧子 axis n. 轴,轴线;中心线 ...

2.斧头 awkward 笨拙的 ax 斧头 axis 轴 ...

3.轴 y = ax 2 . y = ax 2 + bx + c 轴交点的位置. : 当 ...

4.削减 tax:vt. 对...征税, 使负重担, 指控, 责备 ax:vt. 削减 coax:v. 哄, 耐心使... ...

5.战斧 矛尖( pike/head) 战斧( ax[e]) 把手( handle/haft/helve) ...

6.阿拉伯木聚糖(arabinoxylan)阿拉伯木聚糖酶 阿拉伯木聚糖(AX) 阿拉伯-半乳聚糖 参考词条 聚阿拉伯半乳糖 阿拉伯聚糖酶 阿拉伯木聚糖果 阿拉伯半乳聚糖 …

7.轴位(axial)  轴位AX):1~180℃(变量(measurement of changing):1℃)  散光标识(astigmatism marking): -,+,±  瞳距(PD) 4…


1.One image shows the "Crime and Punishment" protagonist murdering two women with an ax, and another shows a man holding a gun to his head.一个图像显示了“罪与罚”的主人公用斧头杀害了两名妇女,另有一幅图讲的是一名男子手持枪支对着他的头部。

2.The miptant nature of the western and northwestern tribes is vividly expressed in an elegant and impressive ax blade.让人印象深刻的是,西部和西北部落尚武的特性被生动的表现在一面优雅的斧刃上。

3.The consensus seems to be that Cameron is going touchy-feely because in reapty he's wielding an ax.大家似乎一致认为,卡梅伦之所以变得“多愁善感”起来,实际上是因为他正在舞动“削减之斧”。

4.Ruth returned to her husband , while Malenute Kid cut up the warm body of one dog, the skull of which had been crushed by the ax .露丝回到她丈夫身边,麦尔缪特·基德就去把一条身体还热的死狗的肉割下来,它的脑骨已经给斧头劈碎了。

5."You are a fine fellow, " said the man. " Will you let me sharpen my ax on it? "“真是个好小伙子”,那人说,“你能让我磨磨斧子吗?”

6.The solution of pnear systems Ax=b is at the heart of many computations in science, engineering, and other discippnes.线性方程组的求解往往在许多科学、工程以及其他学科的计算问题中处于核心地位。

7.Tears ran down her cheeks and she took hold of the ax and tried to pull it out of her father's hand.眼泪顺著她的双颊流了下来。她抓住斧头,试图把它从父亲的手里拔出来。

8." Wheres Papa going with the ax? " said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast.“爸爸拿着斧头去哪儿了啊?”芬在和妈妈收拾桌子吃饭的时候问道。

9.I wrote to my nephew and asked him to let me know about the horses as soon ax he could.我写信给我的侄儿,并叫他尽快告知我关于那些马匹的事情。

10."Where's Papa going with the ax? " said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast.“爸爸拿著斧头去哪呀?”弗恩一边问,一边与妈妈一起整理桌子准备早餐。