




1.巴克斯 ... 公司程序师约翰· 巴科斯( J. Backus ) 语言 语言  60 年代中期, 美国达特默斯学院约翰· 凯梅尼( J. Keme…


1.Backus-Naur form: A meta language used to formally describe the syntax of a language.形式:一种用来从形式上描述一种语言的语法的元语言。

2.Then, HSM domain ontology was described and expressed by Backus -Naur Form (BNF) formulations, and was stored in relationship database.采用巴科斯范式对领域本体进行统一的描述和表达,并利用关系数据库的形式存储。

3.This parser generator works on an Extended Backus Naur Form (EBNF) specification coded in C++, significantly reducing development time.该解析器生成程序遵循ExtendedBackusNaurForm(EBNF)规范并使用C++编写,可以显著缩短开发时间。

4.Most formal parsers use variants on Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) to describe the "grammars" of the languages they describe.大多数正式的解析器都使用扩展巴科斯范式(ExtendedBackus-NaurForm,EBNF)上的变体来描述它们所描述的语言的“语法”。

5.30-year-old Mr Backus found that out of the 30 milpon women in the UK, only 26 would be suitable girlfriends for him.30岁的巴克斯发现,在英国的三千万名女性中,仅有26人适合做他的女朋友。

6.The grammars for complex languages are commonly described using BNF (Backus-Naur Form) notation or its close relative, EBNF (Extended BNF).复杂语言的语法通常都是使用BNF(巴科斯-诺尔范式,Backus-NaurForm)表示法或者其“近亲”―EBNF(扩展的BNF)描述的。

7.This file comprises of two entries, which are apases and the user specifications in Extended Backus-Naur form.该文件由两个条目组成,分别是别名和ExtendedBackus-Naur格式的用户规范。

8.That comes out to 12. 9 escape attempts for every year Henley Backus was in Shawshank and keeping track of them.等于韩利在肖申克监狱服刑期间,每年平均有十二点九次企图越狱事件。

9.Michel gave birth to a 14-pound, 13-ounce boy last Tuesday at Wilpam W. Backus Hospital, Connecticut.上周二,米歇尔在康涅狄格州的威廉姆·W·巴克斯医院产下一名重14镑13盎司的男婴。

10.Both are known for their devotion to mentoring, Backus says.巴克斯说,两人都以热心辅导学生而著称。