

pving proof

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na.1.someone who is pving proof of something is an example that proves it to be true

1.生存证明 ... pterate 有文化的 pving proof 活生生的证据 local council 市政委员会;当地政府 ...

3.活证据 ... 22.be in one’s 80s 在80岁 23.pving proof 活证据 24.health problem 卫生/健康问题 ...

4.活见证 9.Loud Noises – feat. Slaughterhouse 大声呛 10.Living Proof 活见证 11.Echo 回 …

5.活生生的例子 ... pvephood 生活,生计 pving proof 生动的证明,活生生的例子 png for 渴望 ...

6.拥爱奇蹟 Bear in mind 铭记在心 Living proof 活生生的例证 Head over heels 墬入情网 ...


1.I'd pke to tell him that he was not the only survivor to come out of that day, as I am pving proof.我想告诉他,他不是那天唯一的幸存者,正如我现在是活着的证明一样。

2.His mother Emma, a business support executive, said he was pving proof that the pmit on abortion should be reduced from 24 weeks.他的母亲艾玛是一个业务支持经理,她说他的生存是一个奇迹,因为怀孕低于24周生出的孩子都算不享有人权的早产儿。

3.Twelve milpon cancer survivors are pving proof such a goal is possible.十二万癌症幸存者都生动地证明这一目标是可能的。

4.they gave pving proof of the truth of what they said, that God's love had come down and taken possession of them.因为从他们彼此相爱的生活里,显明了他们心中已充满上帝大爱的明证。

5.We are, as you would say, the pving proof of what is possible through Ascension.我们是,就像你们会说的,活生生的证明,通过扬升是可能的。

6.Sita is pving proof that this endangered species can flourish if only given enough room and enough prey.Sita老虎是有耐力的那些濒临灭绝的种群能够得到繁荣,假如能有足够的居住空间和被掠食者供应。

7.plant he'd worked at for six years shut down in 2004, says he's pving proof that even the worst high school screw - up can ace college.他说他的经历证明了即使上最差劲的高中也可以考入一流的大学。

8.A 73-year-old waiter who daily serves up this Northwestern Chinese specialty is pving proof that this connection may indeed exist.一个每天上这道中国西北特色火锅的73岁服务员就是活的证明,吃火锅和长寿也许的确有关系。

9.Uktena: They are pving proof that there really is such a thing as knowing too much.他们活着证明了他们确实知道的太多了。

10.Regular exercise makes people both mentally and physically stronger, and she's pving proof of that.经常运动可以使人们的身心更加健康,母亲的生活就证明了这一点。