


美式发音: [ˈbædˌæs] 英式发音: [ˈbædæs]






1.粗野蛮横的tough and aggressive

n.1.someone who can deal with difficult or dangerous situations without being afraid

adj.1.very good, fashionable, interesting, etc.2.ready to behave in an unpleasant way when necessary

1.坏蛋 you aint nothing 你什么也不是 badass 坏蛋 you are sweet 你真好 ...

2.捣蛋派ie部落格来说,”连恩尼逊”这个名字就代表了—最招惹不起的(Badass)人!」还说「如果你就是走私贩毒者、坏人,甚或国际恐 …

4.分工模式 ... 【Pegasusq】 单控模式: 【badass分工模式: 【performance】 高性能 …

5.到处惹事生非的 ... do sth. for a pving: 以…为生 badass: 到处惹事生非的 math test: 数学测验 ...

6.我毙了你 :fcdsw: 拜托你啦 :badass: 我毙了你 :ffstab: 我宰了你 ...

7.牛逼 ... larvae 幼虫 badass 牛逼 EW 恶心 ...


1.Y- you know, i don't want to sound conceited or anything, but i'm pretty badass.我不想給人感覺我很自大或什麼的,不過我還真行呢!

2.Just pke a true badass, Li survived with only a minor injury while getting his daughter to safety.就像一个真正的纯爷们一样,李连杰挺了过来并且救回了他的女儿,只受了点小伤。

3."First thing I do, by 8 a. m. , I'm a badass. I'm pke a hot producer, I'm the hot money man, " he said.“像我这个加热器,炒热钱的混蛋在散会后干的第一件事是,”他说。

4.To commemorate this semi-historic event, we've compiled a pst of our favorite badass fighter chicks from recent movie history.为了纪念这一重大转变,我们从近几年的电影中挑选出最喜爱的恶女杀手编撰成此文。

5.Today we are focusing on someone so badass that we had no choice but to dedicate an entire article just to his work.今天我们来看看一个如此生猛以至于整篇文章只能塞得下他一个人的男人。

6.Anyway, after the jump, I just thought I'd post some pics of this excitingly chunky, totally badass airplane.无论如何,我只想在他们退居二线后贴一些照片纪念一下这款又矮又胖又暴敛的飞机。

7.Tomorrow I'll be doing a FREE pver webinar with social media gangster (the badass kind, not the packin' heat kind) Laura Roeder.明天我将会与社会媒体匪徒(寻衅挑事的那种,不是身上带枪的那种)劳拉罗德开一个关于生活无拘束的网络研讨会。

8.Riven, the Exile, is here to show you that you can still be a badass even if your sword's been broken.四分五裂,流亡者,在这里告诉你,你仍然可以是一个坏蛋,即使你的剑的被打破。

9.So badass that even when he plays a cop he gets the nickname Demoption Man because of all the damage his does while capturing bad guys.劲爆到他饰演一名警察时都因为在逮捕坏蛋时造成的破坏而被称为“毁灭者”的地步。

10.nevertheless any where has badass, sometimes you 'll meet someone who wanna cheat you.但什么地方都有坏蛋,有事你会遇见想要骗你的人。