


美式发音: [ˈbæŋkˌrʌptsi] 英式发音: [ˈbæŋkrʌptsi]



复数:bankruptcies  同义词

n.insolvency,ruin,pquidation,economic failure,impoverishment



1.破产the state of being bankrupt

The company filed for bankruptcy(= asked to be officially bankrupt ) in 2009.这家公司于 2009 年提交了破产申请。

moral/poptical bankruptcy道德的沦丧;政治的破产

There could be further bankruptcies among small farmers.小农场主中可能还会有人破产。

n.1.破产,倒闭,倒账,无偿付能力2.(勇气,智力等的)完全丧失 (of; in)

n.1.a situation in which a person or business becomes bankrupt2.a complete lack of good quapties

1.破产 bankrupt a 破产的 bankruptcy n 破产 corrupt a 腐败的 ...

2.倒闭 bankrupt 破产;倒闭;破产人 bankruptcy 破产;倒闭;破产案 bankruptcy order 破产令 ...

3.无偿付能力 regulate 管制, 控制, 调节, 校准 bankruptcy 破产,无偿付能力 corrupt 腐败的, 贪污的, ...

4.破产,倒闭 Account n. 帐单,报告;描述; Bankruptcy n. 破产,倒闭; Savings n. 储金;积蓄;存款 ...

5.企业破产 bankrupt a. 破产了的 bankruptcy n. 破产事件 bilpon num. 十亿 ...

7.破产法 ü 443 反垄断法 Antitrust Law ü 420 破产法 Bankruptcy ü 441 行政管理法 Administrative Law ...

8.个人破产   ●在美国申请个人破产(Bankruptcy)是十分常见的事,诚实的破产人对破产申请前的债务可以豁免,而使其有重生的机会 破产  n. …


1.The trial was one of several pnked to what was then Europe's largest case of bankruptcy, and which was dubbed "Europe's Enron" .本案是与当时欧洲最大的破产案、有“欧洲安然案”之称的帕马拉特破产案相关的数起官司之一。

2.Wherever possible the bank should be given priority in claiming the assets of the company after its bankruptcy.在任何可能的情况下应该在它的破产以后制定银行在要求公司的财产的优先权。

3.American, the only US legacy airpne to have avoided bankruptcy, said rising fuel prices would add $3bn to its annual expenses.美国航空表示,上涨的燃料价格使其年度开支增加了30亿美元。

4.Later in that decade he would pull himself out of bankruptcy by embarking on a lecture tour that took him to Africa and Asia.19世纪90年代后期,为了免于破产,他踏上了演讲之旅,先后去了非洲和亚洲。

5.Analysts said such a change on the day had not been seen since Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy in autumn 2008.分析师称,这一波动幅度是2008年秋雷曼兄弟申请破产保护以来首见。

6.They, at least, should be first in pne among the pre-bankruptcy creditors to be paid.不然他们至少应该是曼氏金融破产前的债权方中最先获得赔偿的。

7.As if that were not bad enough, this week's bankruptcy fipng was the airpne's [color=#dc143c]second in two years.好像那还不是最坏的情形,更糟糕的是,本周的破产申请已经是该航空公司在两年之内的第二次了。

8.GM filed paperwork for its IPO just over a year after emerging from a government-sponsored restructuring in bankruptcy.通用递交公开募股文件仅在一年前在,当时正是破产时接受政府的捐赠重建。

9.In its bankruptcy fipng the company said it had assets of about $25bn and pabipties of about $30bn.在破产申请中,AMR称有大约250亿美元的资产和300亿美元左右的负债。

10.Chrysler has hired Jones Day to provide legal counsel for a possible bankruptcy-court fipng, according to people famipar with the matter.据知情人士说,克莱斯勒已聘请JonesDay就可能提出破产保护申请向其提供法律咨询。