




1.马尔福 一楼来张希希的书大合集 ·Eversleeping 5-26 赫敏 Malfoy 下颌第一磨牙 May 15 - Hilary with Luca into a supermarket ...

4.马尔福一家 Errol 爱落 埃罗尔 Malfoy 马尔福一家 Lucius Malfoy 鲁休斯·马份 卢修斯·马尔福 ...

5.马尔福家族 ... “Slytherin15 人。” 是不是说明贵族的教育的确稍微好一点呢? “Malfoy 脱口而出。 Harry。 “Li……Evans, 微笑致 …

7.做什么 Hogwarts 八卦台: Lucius·Malfoy 做什么? Lucius·Malfoy 了? ...


1.We won, though, said Ron, a grin breaking across his face. That was some catch you made. Malfoy's face . . . he looked ready to kill.不过我们赢了,罗恩说,脸上绽开了笑容,多亏你抓住了金色飞贼。马尔福的那副表情……他看上去想要杀人!

2.You fed Draco Malfoy some cock-and-bull story about a dragon, trying to get him out of bed and into trouble.你们凭空编出一套谎话告诉德拉科马尔福,说有一条龙什么的,想把他从床上骗出来,害他倒霉。

3.Draco Malfoy was standing with his back to the door, his hands clutching either side of the sink, his white-blond head bowed.德拉科·马尔福正背对着门站着,他的双手紧握着水槽的两边,他有着铂金色头发的脑袋低着。

4.Ron gave a spght cough, which might have been hiding a snigger. Draco Malfoy looked at him.罗恩轻轻咳了一声,也许是在暗地里偷笑吧。杰高。马尔夫看着他。

5.He follows Draco Malfoy around and serves as something of a bodyguard for him.他跟随德拉科·马尔福,充当他的保镖。

6.Draco Malfoy has always been the evil foil. . . a bit of a fool really.德拉科•马福尔是邪恶的陪衬角色,也真的有一点傻。

7."We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy, " he said.“我们对于什么是巫师中的败类看法截然不同,马尔福。”他说。

8.How much had he heard? Harry didn't pke the look on Malfoy's face at all.给他听去了多少?哈利真讨厌马尔福脸上的那副表情。

9.Draco Malfoy has been called upon by Lord Voldemort himself to carry out a mission of great importance and greater consequence.德拉科•马尔福已被伏地魔召唤,去完成一项艰巨的任务并承担重大的后果。

10.Hey Harry, check it out! Some muggles think you and Malfoy fit for each other! How absurd!嘿,哈利!有群麻瓜觉得你和马尔福很般配!真奇怪!