


美式发音: [bɔlz] 英式发音: [bɔːlz]






balls显示所有例句n.— see alsoball


That's a load of balls!那是一派胡言!


She's got balls, I'll say that for her.我敢说她有胆量。

It took a lot of balls to do that.那么做需要很大的勇气。



The team went balls out in the final.决赛时这个队拼得很凶。

go balls out豁出去;拼命干to do sth in a very determined or extreme way, especially when it means taking risks

The team went balls out in the final.决赛时这个队拼得很凶。


1.(粗俗话,表示不同意或恼怒)used as a swear word when you are disagreeing with sth, or when you are angry about sth




n.1.The plural of ball2.confidence and the abipty to deal with dangerous or difficult situations3.testicles4.nonsense1.The plural of ball2.confidence and the abipty to deal with dangerous or difficult situations3.testicles4.nonsense

v.1.The third person singular present tense of ball

1.球 三、比赛( Macth) 四、Balls) 五、击球方( Striker) ...

2.球类 姜人玩偶 Toys 球类 Balls 咖啡 冲饮 Coffee ...

3.是人身上的那个 ... im pretty mad at you 你真让我生气! balls 蛋 ,是人身上的那个 pain in the ass 着急 ...

4.坏球数 AL/American League / 美国联盟 B/balls/ 坏球数 BA/batting average/ 打击率 ...

5.高尔夫球 推杆 Putters 高尔夫球 Balls 儿童专区 Kids ...

6.鲍尔斯 Balfe 巴尔夫 Balls 鲍尔斯 Boycb 博伊德 ...

7.蛋蛋 ... {Bastard}{ 野种} {Balls}{ 蛋蛋} {Bitch}{ 母狗} ...

8.四个球 ... 2 Insects 两种昆虫 4 Balls 四个球 2 Airplanes 两架飞机 ...


1.how I should pke to be married before any of you; and then I would chaperon you about to all the balls.我真巴不得比你们哪一个都先结婚!我就可以领着你们上各式各样的跳舞会去。

2.If you are attacking and trying to get forward all the time then through balls are a good idea.如果你采用进攻,时刻保持向前,那么身后球是个好主意。

3.One key concern is the lack of an emergency exit. The water balls can be opened only by a person outside of the ball, the commission said.委员会说,水上步行球的一个关键隐患就是没有紧急出口,只能靠人从外面把球打开。

4.As the old man looked over the thing in the yard that were to be sold, he stopped at a box of golden balls for Christmas trees.当这个老人在院子里环顾这些要被卖掉的东西时,他在一箱用于装饰圣诞树的金色小球前驻足。

5.The last one was the easiest. The easiest to crush my balls on, and twist my ankle up in the process.最后一个本来是最容易过的,结果我磕到了蛋蛋,还扭了脚。

6.I carry a pair of health balls with me on long trips to help adjust my physical condition.遇到长途坐车或飞行,我都带著健身球,随时用来运动调节。

7.The question of carbon balls in anode nozzle was one of the most serious problems during the deposition.实验发现,等离子体炬阳极喷嘴积碳是沉积过程中最突出的问题之一。

8.One of the main differences among soccer balls is how much the air flow follows the ball's surface.不同足球之间的主要区别之一是有多少气流沿着球的表面流过。

9.He was playing very, very well, and I couldn't manage to push him to the back of the court. The balls were a bit heavy.他非常自信,他的回球几乎都能打到边角,而且力量很大,球很沉,我几乎不能把球回到对方半场深处。

10.She offers Briggs homemade rum balls and confides that they're made with an old family recipe and were favorites of her late husband.利昂娜送给布里格斯一些自制的小点心,说这是她照着家里一个古老的食谱做的,是她已故丈夫的最爱。