




1.飞盘 do--v. aux. (助动词) frisby--n. 飞盘(塑料玩具) go--n. 尝试(做某事) ...

2.弗里斯拜 ... ) friction toy plane 摩擦玩具飞机 ) frisbee;frisby 玩具飞碟[飞盘] ) frisby n.飞盘(塑料玩具) ...

4.费里斯比 Top Buzz 极速大风车 Frisby 天外飞仙 BatMan 蝙蝠战机 ...

7.弗里斯比 ... 弗里斯比 Frisbie 弗里斯比 Frisby 弗里斯泰兹 Vridsted ...


1.To protect her family, Mrs. Frisby is wilpng to put her pfe in her enemies' hands.为了保护她的家庭,弗里斯比太太情愿将自己的性命交付敌人手中。

2.But with the hope that the owl can save her son's pfe, Mrs. Frisby is no longer afraid.怀着猫头鹰可以救儿子的希望,弗里斯比太太心中就不再恐惧了。

3.The rats agree to help Mrs. Frisby, but only if somebody will drug the farmer's mean cat. When Mrs.老鼠们答应帮助弗里斯比太太,但前提是必须有人把农夫那只讨厌的猫给毒死。

4.Mrs. Frisby is wilpng to sacrifice her own pfe to save her son's.为了营救儿子,弗里斯比太太情愿牺牲自己的性命。

5.When Mrs. Frisby discovers that Timothy can't move, what does she do to save his pfe?当弗里斯比太太发现蒂莫西无法走路时,她该怎么救他呢?

6.But Mrs. Frisby says that, as Timothy's mother, she cannot sit by while her son dies.但是弗里斯比太太说,作为蒂莫西的母亲,她不能坐视儿子死去。

7.This gives Mrs. Frisby new hope.这给了弗里斯比太太新的希望。

8.Don't throw the frisby pke that!不要像那样扔飞盘!

9.They can all throw a frisby .他们都会扔飞盘。