



美式发音: [rid] 英式发音: [riːd]



复数:reeds  同义词




n.1.[Plant]a tall slender plant with jointed stalks that grows in marshes and other wet areas; a reed stalk2.[Musical Instrument ]a thin piece of cane, metal, or plastic fitted inside a musical instrument that vibrates to produce sound3.[People Name]people's name

1.芦苇 Raschel looms 拉舍尔经编机 Reeds 钢筘 Ribbon looms with shuttles 有梭织带机 ...

4.哨片 卡子 帽子 Ligatures caps 哨片修整器 哨片 reeds 乐器音孔垫 mats ...

5.簧乐器 ... Brass: 铜管乐器 Reeds簧乐器 Pipes: 管乐器 ...

6.芦笛 P0496 150048 Plectrums 弦拨子;琷拨 R0123 150003 Reeds 芦笛;簧乐器 ...

7.芦苇图片 罂粟图片 poppy 芦苇图片 reeds 兰科图片 orchid ...


1.He ran after her was almost overtaking her when she was turned, at her own request, into a clump of reeds by Mother Earth .潘追逐着西瑞克斯,他几乎赶上了她。在西瑞克斯的请求下,大地之母把她变成了一丛芦苇。

2.The Mole, greatly wondering, obeyed. 'I hear nothing myself, ' he said, 'but the wind playing in the reeds and rushes and osiers. '鼹鼠非常惊讶,不过他还是听从了。他说,“我什么也没听到,除了芦苇、灯芯草和柳树里的风声。”

3.After a day or two the spawn is laid in long strings which wind themselves in and out of the reeds and soon become invisible.一两天之后,他们会在水中产下长长的一串蟾卵,缠杂在芦苇荡中,不久即化为无形。

4.Among the reeds, I met the Ufly Ducking. Wild ducks were making fun of him. They scared him his wings. . .在芦苇丛里,我见到了丑小鸭,其它野鸭正在取笑他,嘲笑他长了不一样的翅膀。

5.The Boscombe Pool is thickly wooded round, with just a fringe of grass and of reeds round the edge.博斯科姆比池塘附近都是茂密的树林,池塘四周只长了一圈杂草和芦苇。

6.The old fisherman peddled the boat to leave bank and head to the reeds.老渔夫就这样慢慢地将船划离岸,向芦苇间驶去。

7.However, ax the spghtest rustle of the reeds or the sudden chirp of a bird, he leapt to his feet, his forehead gpstening with sweat.苇叶微动,或一只小鸟忽然叫了一声,使他急忙立起来,头上见了汗。

8.Later while Hermes watched over his herd he invented the pipes known as a syrinx (pan-pipes), which he made from reeds.后来,赫密士看管他的牧群的时候发明了潘神销,是由芦苇制成。

9.I mean can't we just kick this old school? You know, pke I, I stick the baby in a basket and send it your way. Like Moses in the reeds.我是说我们不能就像过去那样吗?就是,比如,我把孩子放在篮子里,送到你们那边去。就像摩西被放在芦苇丛中一样。

10.While she waits, she tells the children to look for some reeds, straw and dried dung to fuel the fire.她本身在等待衣服干的时候,她的孩子们正遵循她的指示满地找芦苇,麦秆,干粪当作家里的柴火。