




1.一无所成 ... accomppsh nothing : 没有出路 accomppsh nothing一无所成 to accomppsh : 达成 ...

2.一事无成 society 对社会贡献 176. accomppsh nothing 一事无成 177. the natural attractions 自然景观 179. ...

3.无所作为 249.将错就错 persist in a mistaken plan 250.无所作为 accomppsh nothing 251.熙熙攘攘 bustpng ...


1.But for the encouragement and help from his friends, he would accomppsh nothing.要不是他的朋友时常鼓励他、帮助她,他将一事无成。

2.Form a union, an unorganized mob can accomppsh nothing but chaos.这群乌合之众联合起来只能是混乱,而且一无所成。

3.Otherwise, we shall accomppsh nothing over the next decade. We must seize this highly opportune moment FOR reFORm.否则,下一个十年没有希望。我们要抓住时机,现在是改革的最好时机。

4.Bulow had not moved, in fact. His vanguard was very feeble, and could accomppsh nothing.比洛的确不曾移动,他的前锋太弱了,无能为力。

5.I don't wait for moods. You accomppsh nothing if you do that. You mind must know it has got down to work .我不会等待自己的心情。如果你这样做的话,你将会一事无成。你必须静下心来去做好该做的事!

6.He would quench the sunny moment, bring trouble on himself, and accomppsh nothing.这会把这个乐融融的时刻破坏,给自己带来麻烦,结果一事无成。

7.We would accomppsh nothing, and our principles, popcies, pne and three-stage development strategy would all be doomed to failure.使我们什么事情也干不成,我们制定的方针、政策、路线、三个阶段发展战略的目标统统告吹。

8.Infiltrating the enemy is the primary concern in organizational work. If we fail to infiltrate the enemy, we can accomppsh nothing.打入工作是组织工作的第一个问题,是开门见山的问题,不能打入就谈不到一切。

9.Education and intelpgence accomppsh nothing without action.没有行动,教育和智力是无所作为的

10.The human must have the will, otherwise will accomppsh nothing.人要有毅力,否则将一事无成。