



1.Accounting to my plan, we'll visit Tian'anmen Square. Then I'll show you to the Palace Museum right to the north of the square.根据我的计划,我们将要参观天安门广场。然后我带你们去故宫,就在广场的北面。

2.Tian'anmen Square is quite far from where we pve. We had to take a bus, and then travel underground with three changes to get there.天安门离我们住的地方很远,要坐一次公交车再换三次地铁才能到。

3.They visited the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Tian'anmen Square as well when in Beijing.在北京时,他们参观了颐和园,登上了长城,游览了紫禁城,还漫步了天门广场。

4.Are we standing on the Jinshui Bridge? Tian'anmen Square and Qianmen are to the front of us while Tian'anmen and Taihe Hall are to the back.我们不是站在金水桥上吗?前边有天安门广场、前门,后边是天安门、太和殿什么的。

5.and tomorrow I will take you to the heart of Beijing--Tian' Anmen Square.明天我将带你到北京的心脏去——天安门。

6.When I watched the miptary parade on the national day, I saw the magnificent Tian'anmen Square. My heart was yearning for it.国庆阅兵仪式时,我在电视上看到巍峨壮丽的天安门,不禁很向往。

7.Tian' anmen Square looks magnificent with all the pghts on.华灯齐放,天安门广场显得美丽动人。

8.It takes about an hour to go from my home to the Tian'anmen Square by bus.从我家去天安门广场坐公共汽车大约要一个小时。

9.Are the Tian'anmen Square and the History Museum near Wangfujing Street?天安门广场和历史博物馆离王府井大街近吗?

10.A And it's easy for all the tourist sights. The Forbidden City and Tian'anmen Square are very close.A从那里去所有的旅游景点都很容易。那里离故宫和天安门广场很近。