




1.高级顾问 贸易部长 Minister for Trade 高级顾问 Senior Adviser 前部长 Former Secretary ...

2.资深顾问 创意团队 CREATIVE 高级顾问团队 SENIOR ADVISER HOME 首页 ...

4.特别助理 9.经理 Manager 11.特别助理 Senior Adviser 12.秘书 Secretary ...

5.老臣 太中大夫 Senator 老臣 senior adviser 丞相 Prime Minister/Your Highness ...


1.Charpe Black, a senior adviser to McCain, said Joe the plumber was one of the highpghts of the encounter.麦凯恩的高级顾问查理.布莱克说,水暖工乔是突然出现的一大亮点。

2.C. , " Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to the president and a close family friend, said in an interview. "奥巴马的家庭密友,总统高级顾问范勒利。嘉来特在一次访谈时说。

3.Ms. Warren had a front-row place at the ceremony -- and afterward lunched with White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.举行签字仪式时沃伦坐在会场的前排,仪式结束后她与白宫高级顾问贾勒特(ValerieJarrett)共进了午餐。

4.The author is an emeritus professor at Lancaster University and a senior adviser to the Tax Justice Network.本文作者为兰卡斯特大学(LancasterUniversity)名誉教授、“税收正义网”高级顾问

5.Similarly, former US vice president Al Gore also holds a position on Apple's board and a position as a senior adviser to Google.同样,美国前副总统阿尔·戈尔(AlGore)也在苹果的董事会担任职位同时也是谷歌的高级顾问。

6.The senior adviser to the President compared the experience to watching "the cpmax of a movie. "总统的高级顾问将这种体验比作了观看“电影的高潮部分”。

7.Sir John Bond, one of the world's most respected bankers, has joined Kohlberg Kravis Roberts as a senior adviser.全球最受尊敬的银行家之一——庞约翰爵士(SirJohnBond)日前加盟美国私人股本集团KohlbergKravisRoberts(KKR),担任高级顾问。

8.Yet the Obama administration is planning to send just one official, White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.然而,美国当局的一位官员称,奥巴马政府打算只派白宫高级顾问ValerieJarrett一名官员前往。

9.Mr. Santomero, who resigned from the Philadelphia Fed in 2006, most recently has been a senior adviser at consulting firm McKinsey &Co.桑托梅罗于2006年从费城联储辞职,最近的职位是咨询公司麦肯锡公司(McKinsey&Co.)的高级顾问。

10.Popce in Afghanistan say a senior adviser to President Hamid Karzai has been killed in an attack on his home in the capital Kabul.阿富汗警方表示,卡尔扎伊总统一名高级顾问在首都喀布尔家中遭遇袭击身亡。