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第三人称单数:booby-traps  现在分词:booby-trapping  过去式:booby-trapped  



v.1.to place a booby trap in a place or attach one to something

1.饵雷 ... binding universal conventions on human rights 有约束力的全球性人权公约 booby-traps 饵雷 boycott 联合抵制 ...


1.Our continent is still full of minefields, booby traps, and threats with which we must reckon.欧洲大陆仍然布满着地雷、陷阱和我们必须认真对待的威胁。

2.Low-cost, multi-spectral sensors to find and identify the enemy threats (e. g. , mines, booby traps, IEDs).用于搜索和识别敌方危险物(例如地雷、诡雷、路边炸弹等)的廉价多光谱传感器。

3.He's always trying to make booby traps to make people laugh.他总是搞恶作剧逗大家笑。

4.And you never know when you're going to come across one of these booby traps .你永远不知道你何时会踏入这样的一个陷阱。

5.The Israep miptary correspondent who accompanied the soldiers said they were concerned about Hamas booby-traps.以色列战地记者说他们最担心的是哈马斯的陷阱。

6.Among the hedgerows they also often placed booby traps, mines and trip wire explosives.而篱笆之间则布下陷阱、地雷和绊雷等。

7.But there were fierce firefights, and its advance was slowed by a vast network of bombs and booby-traps.但交火日趋激烈,并且大量路边炸弹及地雷阵令推进速度减缓。

8.But in the aftermath of the Olympic bombing, investigators rely on surprisingly common technology to search for deadly booby traps.在奥运爆炸案的余波中,调查员居然依赖令人惊讶的普通技术寻找致命的“诡雷”。

9.In the war times, it's very common for people to set booby traps around where no one could see them.在战争期间,人们在肉眼不易看到的地方设置陷阱,这很普遍。

10.They often fold over or bunch up, turning them into booby traps for anyone shuffpng down the hall.他们经常折叠在一起或聚成一团,因此就变成了任何拖着脚走过大厅的人的陷阱。