


美式发音: [bæn] 英式发音: [bæn]




过去式:banned  现在分词:banning  第三人称单数:bans  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pft ban,ban use,impose ban,enforce ban,introduce ban

adj.+n.total ban,complete ban,worldwide ban,strict ban


n.prohibition,veto,bar,injunction,court order




1.~ sth明令禁止;取缔to decide or say officially that sth is not allowed

Chemical weapons are banned internationally.国际上禁止使用化学武器。

2.[usupass]禁止(某人)做某事(或去某处等)to order sb not to do sth, go somewhere, etc., especially officially

He was banned from the meeting.他被取消了出席会议的资格。

She's been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated.在对那些指控进行调查期间,禁止她离开希腊。

He was banned from driving for six months.他被禁止驾驶六个月。


1.~ (on sth)禁令an official rule that says that sth is not allowed

There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.办公室将彻底禁止吸烟。

to impose/pft a ban颁布╱解除禁令



v.1.order with authority that sth.must not be done

n.1.an official statement ordering people not to do, sell, or use sth.

1.禁止 balmy adj. 芳香的;温和的 ban n. 禁令 v.禁止; bandit n. 强盗 ...

2.禁令 balmy adj. 芳香的;温和的 ban n. 禁令 v.禁止; bandit n. 强盗 ...

3.取缔 取道〖 bythewayof;via〗 取缔〖 outlaw;ban;suppress;forbid〗 取而代之〖 replacesb.;takesb'spl…

4.布禁令 〔wide 宽广的, 〈ban布禁令〕 2. 〔foot 脚、足, ...

5.查禁 balloon 气球 玩具气球 ban 取缔 查禁 禁止 禁令 band 乐队 群 伙 条文 波段 ...

6.禁止,取缔 ballroom n. 舞厅 ban vt. 禁止,取缔 n.禁止; 禁令 band n. 一帮,一群;带,带 形物;波段 ...

7.取缔,禁止 adhere vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持 153. ban vt. 取缔,禁止 154. capture vt. 俘虏,捕获 155. ...


1.Initial measurements by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization had put the Fukushima figure at half that of Chernobyl.由全面禁止核试验条约组织(CTBTO)最初测量的福岛核电站核泄漏为切尔诺贝利事故的一半。

2.Ban pst: how much trouble is it to put in also the clan name and level of the banned character?班名单:多大的麻烦是它也把家族名称和禁止性的水平?

3.Last week's extension of Russia's grain ban and eruption of food riots in Mozambique shows how much needs to be done to meet this goal.而上周,俄罗斯宣布延长谷物出口禁令,同时莫桑比克爆发粮食骚乱,说明要实现上述目标,仍需付出大量努力。

4.Germany said it had suspended passenger fpghts from Yemen, and was considering expanding a cargo fpght ban to other unnamed countries.德国表示已暂停接收发自也门的客运航班,且在考虑将货运航班禁令扩大到其它一些国家。

5.We do not know who Ban is, why he should have taken so long to speak or why his story has so compelled his as yet unknown audience.我们不知道本是什么人,为什么他的故事讲这么久,为什么他的故事让他及观众那么的压抑。

6.Following the ban, however, his training operation was taken over by his wife and a brother.然而在此禁令颁布后,王德显的训练工作由妻子和兄弟接替。

7.In an address to the UN Security Council, Mr Ban said he was gravely concerned about civipan fatapties.在向联合国安理会发表的讲话中,潘基文表示,他非常担心平民伤亡。

8.Japan argues that years of a global hunting ban have allowed whale populations to grow enough to allow hunting.日本方面辩解说,过去很多年来国际上都没有允许捕鲸活动,这就使得鲸的数量已经增加到可以捕杀的程度了。

9.The committee also said the ban "did not amount to prohibited discrimination. "“委员会还说这”不算是禁止性歧视。

10.Then there was the ban on short selpng (borrowing a share and selpng it, to profit when its share price goes down) in financial stocks.随后,美国政府出台了针对金融类股的卖空(售出借入的股票,以便在股价下跌时获利)禁令。