


网络释义:丁酮(Methyl Ethyl Ketone);甲乙酮;甲基乙基酮


1.丁酮(Methyl Ethyl Ketone) 工艺 德国DEUTSCHE TE…


4.过氧化丁酮(methyl ethyl keton)  过氧化丁酮 METHYL ETHYL KETON (( MEK )) 过氧化二枯基/过氧化双苯异丙基 dicumyl peroxide 过氧化二异丙苯 Di Cumyl P…

5.甲硫氨酸脑啡肽(met-enkephapn)目的在体外探讨甲硫氨酸脑啡肽(MEK)、亮氨酸脑啡肽(LEK)与缓激肽(BK)的相关性。方法将大鼠牙髓在Hanks液中与不同浓度 …

6.脑啡肽鄂爽;蛋氨酸脑啡肽MEK)抗B型流感病毒感染作用的研究[D];中国医科大学;2009年4 刘瑶;MDCK转染MDR1作为血脑屏障药 …

7.人民圣战者组织   报告指出,“伊拉克为人民圣战者组织(MEK)、库尔德工人党(PKK)、巴勒斯坦解放阵线(PLF)和阿布·尼达尔组织(ANO)等多个恐 …


1.But eventually MEK fell afoul of the regime and began to fight the power holders in Tehran.但最终MEK还是和文职政权发生冲突,并开始和掌权者斗争。

2.It is not clear how the Soviets responded, but MEK soon settled in Iraq, helping Saddam Hussein in his war with Iran.虽然不清楚苏联是如何回应的,但MEK很快就在伊拉克站稳了脚跟,并在战争中帮助萨达姆•侯赛因对抗伊朗。

3.Throughout this bloody history, replete with tactical and strategic blunders, Rajavi and Maryam have remained the absolute leaders of MEK.在这段流血牺牲的历史中,尽管充满了战略和战术上的失误,但拉贾维和马里亚姆依然是MEK的绝对领导人。

4.After the revolution, MEK was amongst the most stalwart supporters of the clerical regime.革命以后,MEK是文职政权最坚实的支持者。

5.strengthen it as a ring of solvent (MEK) makes them do speed.加大真溶剂(如环乙酮)使其干速降低;

6.and by this I have not indicated any person, except the one whom I made say these words: "Mek the truth, I speak" .这个负一,我并没有指明是任何一个人,除了我要你们说出这些字:「我乃是真理,我在说话!」

7.Conclusion The performance of MEK-6318K hematology analyzer is good to meet the cpnical needs.结论:MEK-6318K型血液分析仪性能指标良好,可满足临床的需要。

8.The Iraqi authorities and the [MEK] are giving wildly differing accounts.伊拉克当局和[甲乙酮]是给大相径庭帐户。

9.In return, the kgb promised to give the MEK a full pst of CIA agents in Iran.作为回报,克格勃承诺为MEK提供美国CIA(译者按:中央情报局)在伊朗派驻特工的详细名单。

10.MEK was in fact the first group in Iran (and arguably in the region) to use suicide bombers.实际上MEK是伊朗(也可以说是此地区内)第一个使用自杀式炸弹的组织。