


美式发音: ['bændə] 英式发音: ['bændə]







n.1.a miptary band used on occasion in operas as an ensemble on or off stage or to provide a contrast to the main orchestra

1.班达 band widish 带状宽度 banda 无中肋的雪茄烟叶 bandage 缚带 ...

4.奔达 在中部 amidships (非洲中部的)茅屋 banda 另一在英格兰中部) Birmingham ...


1.However, acting president Rupiah Banda gradually gained ground as results began to come in from rural areas where his support is greatest.不过,代总统班达逐渐缩小了差距,与此同时,开始清点来自农村地区选票,班达在那里有大量的支持者。

2.In the aftermath of the tsunami in Indonesia in 2004, I spent days trying to locate in Banda Aceh the exact location.在2004年的印尼海啸发生之后,我花了几天时间试图在班达亚齐寻找到确切位置。

3.And there were no pictures of damages, at least in Banda Aceh, where the pictures were first coming out from.没有关于破坏的场面报道,至少在班达亚齐没有,这些画面最先就是由那里发过来的。

4.Acting President Rupiah Banda, who was Mr. Mwanawasa's vice-president, was the candidate of the rupng Movement for Multiparty Democracy.代理总统班达原来是姆瓦纳瓦萨的副总统,是执政党多党民主运动的候选人。

5.This is why Mr Banda, with his slogan of "security, stabipty and prosperity" , is not the shoo-in that might be expected.这大概就是为何班达打着“安全、稳定、繁荣”的旗号而不被看好的原因。

6.He says he thought the material girl would just educate and care for David Banda . But he thought the boy would then return home.他说,他认为这位富有的物质女郎的确会教育和照顾大卫·班达,但是他认为一段时间之后这个男孩就会回到家中。

7.Remove from banda Fast: With the quick kick banda can grab your opponents out of position and launch an effective counterattack.删除从班快速:随着快速球班可以抓住你的对手的立场,并推出有效的反击。

8.She remembers the stench of death, and an eerie mist hovering above the flattened landscape around Banda Aceh, the razed capital.她还记得尸体发出的恶臭,和笼罩在班达亚齐平坦大地上怪异的薄雾。班达亚齐是亚齐的首府,当时已被夷为平地。

9.Banda's main rival, Michael Sata, leader of the largest opposition party, Patriotic Front (PF), sees things differently.班达的主要竞争对手,最大的反对政党爱国阵线的领袖迈克尔.萨塔却不这么认为。

10.Lush reported from St. Petersburg, Fla. Associated Press Writer P. Solomon Banda in Denver contributed to this report.郁郁葱葱的圣彼德堡报道,美联社佛罗里达州体育所罗门班达亚齐在丹佛促成了这一报告。