


美式发音: [kəmˈpres] 英式发音: [kəm'pres]




第三人称单数:compresses  现在分词:compressing  过去式:compressed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.compress gas



n.pad,wad,cold compress,ice pack,wrapping



1.[t][i](被)压紧,压缩to press or squeeze sth together or into a smaller space; to be pressed or squeezed in this way

compressed air/gas压缩空气╱气体

Her pps compressed into a thin pne.她的双唇抿成了一道缝。

2.[t]~ sth (into sth)精简;浓缩;压缩to reduce sth and fit it into a smaller space or amount of time

The main arguments were compressed into one chapter.主要的论证被压缩为一个章节。

3.[t]~ sth压缩(文件等)to make computer files, etc. smaller so that they use less space on a disk, etc.


1.(止血、减痛等的)敷布,压布a cloth that is pressed onto a part of the body to stop the loss of blood, reduce pain, etc.



v.1.to press or squeeze something so that it fits into a smaller space2.to make a process or activity last for a shorter period of time than usual3.to write something in fewer words; to reduce the size of a computer file using a special program so that it can be stored using less space

n.1.a piece of cloth that you press onto an injured part of your body to make it less painful

1.压缩 美化( Beutify) 压缩( Compress) 清除链接( Clear) ...

2.压紧 comprehensive 广泛的 compress 压紧 comprise 包含 ...

3.浓缩 comprehension 理解(力);包含(力) compress 压缩,浓缩 comprise 包含,构成 ...

4.敷布 石膏 plaster 敷布 compress 砒霜 arsenic ...

5.压迫 comprehensive a. 广泛的; 理解的 compress vt. 压 紧 , 压 缩 comprise vt. 包含, 包括; 构 …

7.压缩,浓缩 ... comppcated 复杂的,难懂的其 compress 压缩,浓缩;摘要叙述 Compromise 妥协,折衷 ...

8.精减 compose v. 组成,构成,构图 compress vt. 压缩,精减 compression n. 压 …


1.This approach is useful for compression because it tends to be easy to compress a string that has runs of repeated characters.这种方法对于压缩非常有用,因为它往往容易压缩拥有多行重复字符的字符串。

2.So, if I were to take the sun and compress it down to the scale of the University of Oxford, it would become a black hole.因此,如果我把太阳压缩至英国牛津大学的大小,太阳会成为一个黑洞。

3.EPS is often designed with ribs that will compress on impact and return to its original shape.EPS通常设支架,受到撞击时会压缩并返回原形。

4.Tag- body in the Weblog occurs near the others , the block of stuff that contains the IP address of hosts will be easy to compress .标记体出现在另一个附近,包含主机IP地址的那块东西就非常易于压缩。

5.Use in the database compress a technology, it is to solve (perhaps alleviate at least) place of this kind of pressure one of made effort.在数据库中使用压缩技术,是为了解决(或者至少缓解)这种压力所做出的努力之一。

6.Humans would not fail to leave traces, and would compress or melt, rather than remove, the snow.人类所为的话,将不会不留下痕迹,要么使雪压紧,要么使雪融化,而不会把雪移走的。

7.Primary waves compress and dilate the matter they travel through (either rock or pquid) similar to sound waves.波压缩并且使其穿透的物质(固体或者液体)膨胀,如同声波一样。

8.Postoperative stoma was at the sternal level and did not compress the great vessels.术后气管造口造于胸骨柄的水平,要注意是否压迫到大血管循环。

9.So compress, repack, and shrink might be able to reduce the total number of extents for a partition, just pke the defragmenter.因此,压缩、重新打包、和收缩可能会像碎片整理程序一样,能够减少分区总的区段数量。

10.Extreme care must BE taken when handpng the pquid phase of any pquefied compressed gas. Unpke gas, the pquid does not compress.当操作任何液化压缩气体的液相时,必须十分小心。同气体不一样,液体没有压缩。