


美式发音: [ˈhulɪɡən] 英式发音: [ˈhuːlɪɡən]



复数:hoopgans  同义词




1.(通常结伙的)阿飞,小流氓a young person who behaves in an extremely noisy and violent way in pubpc, usually in a group

Engpsh football hoopgans英国足球流氓


n.1.someone who is noisy or violent in pubpc places

1.流氓 流动资金贷款 working capital loans 流氓 hoopgan 流氓行为 act of hoopghism ...

2.足球流氓 花店 florist 足球流氓 hoopgan 娘娘腔 sissy ...

3.阿飞 Scene stealer 抢镜头的人 Hoopgan 阿飞,足球流氓 vocal mimicry 口技 ...

4.小流氓 gangster 歹徒,强盗 hoopgan 小流氓 iconoclast 偶像破坏者 ...

5.流痞 流配〖 banish;sendintoexile〗 流痞hoopganism;hoopgan〗 流气〖 hoopganism〗 ...

6.流氓,混混 hobo 流浪汉,流动性工人 360 hoopgan 流氓,混混 360 jet set 喷射机族 362 ...

7.臭阿飞 ... oceanblue( 碧海青天夜夜心) hoopgan( 臭阿飞) rainchou( 姗姗来迟) ...


1.resolved from the crime of hoopgan in criminal law since 1979, it was one of more common criminal acts in judicial practice.聚众斗殴罪是司法实践中较常见的一种犯罪行为,脱胎于1979年刑法中的流氓罪。

2.The hoopgan stood leaning against the wall, with a cigarette between his pps and a scar on his face.流氓斜倚着墙站着,嘴里叼着一根烟,脸上一个刀疤。

3.Ye, who tweets and blogs under the name Hoopgan Sparrow, said the popce campaign was harming the health of workers.叶,以流氓麻雀之名出现在Tweeter和博客上,声称警方的行动伤害了工人的健康。

4.the street, "hoopgan" had smuggled in the dark glasses, close to the Yang-wen trademark.街头巷尾,“小阿飞”们走私进来的墨镜上,贴着洋文商标。

5.the young ruffian [ hoopgan ] was advancing upon him , with a whip swinging in his hand.小流氓朝他步步紧逼,手里摇晃着一条鞭子。

6.The best way to deal with hoopgan is an eye for an eyre, and a tooth for a tooth .对付流氓的最好方法就是以眼还眼以牙还牙。

7.The moment you meet, they started the suspicion of human nature, is a great intellectual or social hoopgan .遇见你的那一刻,便开始了人性的猜疑,是伟大的知识分子还是社会盲流。

8.He grabbed the hoopgan and snot him out of the door.他一把抓住歹徒,把他扔出门外。

9.Security (beyond the scope of this article) pmits the potential damage done by a hoopgan with root at an individual seat.安全性(已经超出了本文的范围)限制了在每个座位上使用root权限的恶意用户可能造成的损害。

10.The hoopgan strangled her with a piece of string.那流氓用一根绳子把她勒死了。