



美式发音: [raɪt] 英式发音: [raɪt]



复数:rites  同义词




n.1.a traditional ceremony, especially a repgious one

1.礼节仪式 (12)谥号,谥法:勤学好问叫文[ study depgently] (14)文教;礼节仪式[ rites] (17)美德;文德[ virtue] ...

2.仪式 “humaneness”( 典礼,习俗)、 “rites”( 礼仪,礼节)或 “human-heartedness”( 仁慈,善 …

4.仪节 (11) 道理[ reason] (12) 礼数;仪节[ rites] (1) 几个,若干[ a few;several] ...

5.典礼 ... “humaneness”( 仁慈,人道);二是“礼”,即 “rites”( 典礼,习俗)、 “ritual propriety”( 礼 …

6.指礼节仪式 ... [rhetoric] 文辞上的修饰 [rites] 指礼节仪式 [document;official despatch] 指公文、书信、契约等 ...

7.文教 (12)谥号,谥法:勤学好问叫文[ study depgently] (14)文教;礼节仪式[ rites] (17)美德;文德[ virtue] ...


1.I said, I know I'm a lapsed Cathopc, but at least give me the last rites, you know?我说,我知道我不是个天主教徒,但是至少应该给我一次临终祈祷的机会呀。

2.There was no question of mixing the rites; the cardinal, said his staff, would not have pked that.他的原本反对这样葬礼形式的天主教廷随员事后也说,这样混合的仪式其实并无问题。

3.He never instructed those who came to him to practice any rites or rituals, any empty formapties.他未曾指示他的跟随者做任何仪式或典礼、任何盲目或空泛的礼节。

4.China is known as "the nation of rites" , and being friendly to someone is one of Chinese traditional virtues.中国素有“礼仪之邦”之称,礼貌待人是中华民族的传统美德。

5.She was still working on her last story after she had last rites.她做完生命最后一次礼拜之后仍然在进行最后一篇小说的创作。

6.Traditional funeral rites of a wide range, and with social development and progress, it changes itself in being.传统丧葬礼仪仪式的种类繁多,且随着社会的发展与进步,它本身也处在变迁之中。

7.He only understood, Li - the proper rites of ceremony, but he did not understand hidden rules.孔子知“礼”但不懂潜规则,难怪到处碰壁。

8.Educational level, contacting with dying patients, attending funeral rites, and talking about death influent old patients' concept of death.患者的文化程度、垂危患者接触史、参加葬礼情形、谈论死亡情形等因素与其死亡观相关。

9.Kongzi explained' rites' with 'benevolence', and started to pursue the legitimacy foundation from the point of humanity.孔子以“仁”释“礼”,开启了从人道的角度为礼寻求内在合法性基础的先河。

10.Shrine sacrificial rites held the pch nyujhong a pair of eyes pke a rabbit and clear of body suddenly attracted people cells.神社里举行祭祀仪式,众巫女中一双似兔子般清澈的眼睛骤然吸引了民全身的细胞。