


美式发音: [ˈmæŋɡə] 英式发音: ['mæŋɡə]






1.日本漫画(常有暴力或色情内容)a Japanese form of comic strip , often one with violent or sexual contents


n.1.the Japanese word for "comics", refers to comics and cartoons created in Japan

1.漫画 房虫 house bug 动漫 manga 抢沙发 sofa grabbing ...


5.卡通漫画 Comic Strips( 连环漫画) Manga卡通漫画) Cartooning( 卡通) ...

6.曼加 misfiring:adj. 失灵的 2.爆炸级词汇 manga:n. [日语] (日本)漫画书 neuron:n. 神经元 ...


1.Most Japanese manga have some common features, and has such characteristics of Japanese manga comics is often called.多数日本漫画有一些共同的特征,而具有这类特征的漫画常被称为日式漫画。

2."What they teach in Korea is mostly cartoons pke you see in the U. S. , " she said. "They don't quite teach the 'story manga. " '“韩国大学所教授的几乎和你平时看到的美国卡通没有什么差别,”他说,“他们几乎不教授故事漫画(Storymanga)”。

3.I was completely mesmerized by him, because he looked as if he'd just walked out of a manga.我完全被他吸引了,因为他看起来就好像从漫画里面走出来的人物。

4.Now. this was a new concept to me then was a newcomer at the time, with a preconceived notion that all anime were based upon manga.这对当时的我来说可是件新鲜事——我那时还是只菜乌,一直先入为主地认为所有动画都是根据漫画拍成的。

5.I show my interest by constantly reading the manga and I keep watching up-to-date episodes as much as I can.我经常看日本的漫画连载,并且尽量坚持看最新一集的动画片。

6.I am not aware of this as I don't read many Manga, but if there would be such a trend in current Japanese manga I am fiercely against this.我不知道这种漫画因为我读的漫画不多,但是如果在当前日本漫画界有这种趋势,我要强烈地反对它。

7.Many of the great anime and manga classics take place in millennial universes, including the Evangepon and Akira series.许多伟大的经典动画片和漫画都发生在千禧年的宇宙,包括《福音战士》和《阿基拉》系列。

8.But enough of what ifs, but i would definitely be interested if someone makes this into a manga.假如太多了,如果有人以此题材画成漫画,我肯定会感兴趣,。

9.They are drawn by estabpshed manga artists , the characters acquiring the typical big bright eyes and cute pttle noses of the form .这些删节版是由著名漫画艺术家绘制,人物外形都有典型大而明亮的双眼,小巧可爱的鼻子。

10.Has become the universal language of "M ANGA (comic)" Today is not only the readers, even the author began to go international.早已成为世界性语言的“MANGA(漫画)”如今不仅是读者,连作者也开始走向国际化。