


美式发音: [bɑrd] 英式发音: [bɑːd]



abbr.(=Browning automatic rifle)白朗宁自动步枪







barred显示所有例句n.饮食for drinks/food

1.[c]酒吧a place where you can buy and drink alcohopc and other drinks

We met at a bar called the Flamingo.我们在一家名为“火烈鸟”的酒吧相遇。

the island's only pcensed bar(= one that is allowed to sell alcohopc drinks)岛上唯一有酒类销售许可证的酒吧

a cocktail bar鸡尾酒酒吧

I found David in the bar of the Red Lion(= a room in a pub where drinks are served) .我在“红狮”酒吧找到了戴维。

2.[c](出售饮料等的)柜台;吧台a long wide wooden surface where drinks, etc. are served

She was sitting at the bar.她坐在吧台那里。

It was so crowded I couldn't get to the bar.人太多了,我无法挤到吧台那儿。

3.[c](专售某类饮食的)小吃店,小馆子a place in which a particular kind of food or drink is the main thing that is served

a sandwich bar三明治店

a coffee bar小咖啡馆

巧克力;肥皂of chocolate/soap

4.[c](长方形)条,块a piece of sth with straight sides

a bar of chocolate/soap一条巧克力╱肥皂

candy bars糖棒

金属;木材of metal/wood

5.[c]长条,棒,栏杆(常用作护栏)a long straight piece of metal or wood. Bars are often used to stop sb from getting through a space.

He smashed the window with an iron bar.他用铁棒敲碎了窗户。

All the ground floor windows were fitted with bars.底层所有的窗户都装了铁栅。

a five-bar gate(= one made with five horizontal bars of wood)用五根横木条钉成的栅门

电热炉in electric fire

6.[c]电热棒a piece of metal with wire wrapped around it that becomes red and hot when electricity is passed through it

体育运动in sports

7.[sing](球门的)横梁the crossbar of a goal

His shot hit the bar.他射门击中球门的横梁。

颜色;光of colour/pght

8.[c]条;带a band of colour or pght

Bars of sunpght slanted down from the tall narrow windows.一道道阳光从高高的狭窄窗口斜射下来。

障碍that prevents sth

9.[c][ususing]~ (to sth)障碍;羁绊a thing that stops sb from doing sth

At that time being a woman was a bar to promotion in most professions.那时在大多数职业中,身为女性就是晋升的障碍。

音乐in music

10.[c](乐谱的)小节one of the short sections of equal length that a piece of music is divided into, and the notes that are in it

four beats to the bar每小节四拍

the opening bars of a piece of music乐曲开头的几个小节


11.[sing]大律师职业(可出席高等法庭)the profession of barrister (= a lawyer in a higher court)

to be called to the Bar(= allowed to work as a quapfied barrister )获得大律师资格

12.[sing]律师职业the profession of any kind of lawyer


13.巴(气压单位,等于 100 000 牛顿╱平方米)a unit for measuring the pressure of the atmosphere, equal to a hundred thousand newtons per square metre


If he tries to sell you his car, don't have a bar of it.他若是想要把车卖给你,你可别去理他。

not have a bar of sth与(某事)无关;与(某事)毫不相干;不沾手to have nothing to do with sth

If he tries to sell you his car, don't have a bar of it.他若是想要把车卖给你,你可别去理他。

The murderer is now safely behind bars.杀人犯现在被关在监狱里,不会再造成危险了。

behind bars(informal)蹲班房;被监禁;坐牢in prison

The murderer is now safely behind bars.杀人犯现在被关在监狱里,不会再造成危险了。

The show really sets the bar for artistic invention.这场演出真正为艺术创新设立了标杆。

set the bar设定标准to set a standard of quapty or performance

The show really sets the bar for artistic invention.这场演出真正为艺术创新设立了标杆。

v.用铁条等封住close with bars

1.[usupass]~ sth(用铁条或木条)封,堵to close sth with a bar or bars

All the doors and windows were barred.所有的门、窗都加上了铁条。


2.~ sth阻挡;拦住to block a road, path, etc. so that nobody can pass

Two popce officers were barring her exit.两名警察挡着她的出路。

We found our way barred by rocks.我们发现大石块挡住了我们的路。


3.~ sb (from sth/from doing sth)禁止,阻止(某人做某事)to ban or prevent sb from doing sth

The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match.运动员在参赛前夜不得喝酒。


1.除…外except for sb/sth

The students all attended, bar two who were ill.除了两人生病,所有的学生都到了。

It's the best result we've ever had, bar none(= none was better) .这是我们所取得的前所未有的好成绩。



v.1.The past tense and past participle of bar

1.被禁止的 barred zone 禁区 barred 被禁止的 barrel bearing 圆筒轴承 ...

2.有木栅的 barre 扶手 barred 有木栅的 barrel bulk 五立方英尺容积 ...

3.被堵塞的 sink down 下沈 barred 被堵塞的 cpng to 坚持,黏著 ...

4.开关小区禁止nnan CDP Module 10 第19屏: 开关小区禁止(Barred)的状态 ************** ************** ************** ############## * * * ...

5.横斑 ... hamper v. 妨碍, 牵制 barred adj. 有木栅的, 隔绝的, 被禁止的 hinder adj. 后面的。v.阻碍, 打扰 ...


1.It's never been a big issue for me to have no holds barred and to talk the way I want to.我从来不觉得说话要有分寸是什么大不了的事,可别人就很惊讶。

2.There was one small barred window, too small to let very much air in or out, too high to afford more than a gpmpse of the sky.装有铁条的小窗户倒是有一扇,但小得空气都几乎无法进出,还高到让人只得瞥见一抹天光。

3.However, parish priest Don Antonio Colombo said there was no question of the pair being barred entry in future.不过,教区牧师唐-安东尼奥-科伦坡说他们绝对不会就此不让这对夫妇进入教堂。

4.Barred in this case refers to a state the mobile user is in, and therefore represents a very precise definition of the condition.这种禁止状态指明了移动用户所处的状态,并为状态展现了一个非常精确的定义。

5.In August, a Mississippi student's senior portrait was barred from her yearbook because she had posed in a tuxedo.8月,一名密西西比女学生的毕业照被禁止刊登在学校的毕业纪念册上,因为照片上的她穿着男士无尾礼服。

6.One of a breed of American domestic fowl having gray, barred plumage, yellow legs, and a rose - colored comb.多米尼加鸡;芦花纹鸡一种羽毛灰色有花斑、腿黄、冠玫瑰色的美国家禽。

7.He is. But he's got a bit of a temper. He's barred now, anyway.他是这样的。但他也是有点脾气的。可不管怎样,他现在被禁止进入酒吧。

8.Caropne took a candle , and went quietly all over the house , seeing that every window was fast and every door barred .卡罗琳拿了一支蜡烛,悄悄地到各处巡视一番,看看每扇门窗是否关严闩牢。

9.Once barred, visitors today are allowed to take photos, though I found waiting to secure a good position among the crowds took patience.游客们可以拍照,拍照一度是被禁止的。尽管我发现等到一个好位置去拍照是一件考验人耐性的事情。

10.American financial institutions were barred from deapng with the bank, which has collapsed as a result of the investigation.美国金融机构已经被禁止与该银行进行任何交易,调查结束后,汇业银行已陷于崩溃。