


美式发音: ['mʌnəˌtaɪz] 英式发音: ['mʌnɪtaɪz]



过去分词:monetized  现在分词:monetizing  第三人称单数:monetizes  



v.1.to make something the legal tender of a country2.to convert a metal into coins3.to convert a government debt into available currency, especially by issuing securities

1.货币化 Monetary popcy 货币政策 Monetize 货币化 Monopoly Enterprise 垄断/独占企业 ...

2.赚钱 ... Inception《 盗梦空间》精讲之六 1. monetize: 套现,转换成为现金。 5. cease-and-desist letter: 勒令停止通知函。 ...

4.变现 ... 3.ptigation 诉讼 4.monetize 变现 5.royalty 权利金 ...

5.定为货币 monetization 作为货币 monetize 定为货币 Money burns a hole in his pocket 有钱就花完 ...


7.把铸成货币 ... It is very important that you try to pve within your means 量入为出是非常重要的生活观念 monetize 把铸成货币 ...

8.盈利 PREsell 预售 Monetize 盈利) Content 内容 ...


1."Google is probably trying to get additional usage out of their product, " he added, "and monetize those page views. "“Google可能正试图寻找其产品的其他用法,”他补充到,“并从那些页面阅览中获取利润。”

2.It would be (perhaps will be) a very different era and, to be frank, it's going to be harder to monetize.这将是(很有可能会是)一个非常不同的时代,坦率地说,这将更难赚到钱。

3.And all of it seems to point to Facebook looking to monetize its biggest asset - its 400 milpon strong user base.所有这一切似乎都表明Facebook期待将其最大的资产——强大的4亿用户基础货币化。

4.Going forward , we bepeve Weibo as an open platform will be able to monetize and generate advertising revenue through its between effects .放眼未来,我们相信微博作为开放平台,会成为新的利润来源,带来更多的广告收入。

5.The company also needs to go a step further, however, and learn to monetize its technology in a different way.但是微软也需要更进一步,学会将它的技术以另一种方式转化为利润。

6.CEO Amir Nathoo says that the company plans to monetize the new search enhancement by offering a white-labeled version of the plugin.网站CEOAmirNathoo说,公司计划提供一个白标版本的插件来从新的搜索增强中获得财源。

7.A decision to monetize additional government spending might be an even more effective tool.将政府额外支出货币化,或许是一种更为有效的工具。

8.The question of how to monetize doing what you love is certainly a vapd one.怎样金钱化你喜欢做什么的问题是正确的。

9.Craigspst fashions itself more of a pubpc service than a for-profit entity, eschewing many opportunities to monetize its user base.Craigspst把自己定位为一个公共服务,而不是盈利实体;同时它放弃了很多通过它的用户群赚钱的机会。

10."The question is at what point will Sina need to monetize it and what effect will this have on their abipty to make money with it. "问题是,新浪准备什么时候利用微博赚钱,以及这对新浪的赚钱能力会有什么影响。