


美式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈlaʊ] 英式发音: [.dɪsə'laʊ]



第三人称单数:disallows  现在分词:disallowing  过去式:disallowed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.disallow claim





1.[oftpass]~ sth不准许;不接受;驳回to officially refuse to accept sth because it is not vapd

to disallow a claim/an appeal不接受要求;驳回上诉

The second goal was disallowed.第二个进球被判无效。


v.1.to say officially that something cannot be accepted because it is illegal or not allowed by the rules

1.不允许 disagreement n. 不和,不一致 disallow v. 不允许 disappear v. 失踪,消失 ...

2.不准 dis- ? 否,离,安全/ ? disallow 不准, disroot 根除, ...

3.不许 daw 穴鸟 disallow 不许,不准,驳回 disavow 否认,否定,抵赖 ...

4.不接受 directive 指示 - 10 - disallow 不接受 disassociate (使)分离 ...

5.驳回 daw 穴鸟 disallow 不许,不准,驳回 disavow 否认,否定,抵赖 ...

6.拒绝 diminish# 减少;缩小 disallow# 不允;拒绝 disarm# 缴械;解除武装 ...

7.禁止 displease( 惹恼), disallow禁止), distaste( 反感) ...

8.拒绝承认 ... disagreeableness 不愉快 disallow 拒绝承认 disappearance of conditional reflex 条件反射的消失 ...


1.Strip out any commands that you think might be harmful and disallow things, such as sudo (running with superuser privileges) or rm (delete).删除您认为有害的命令和不允许的内容,比如sudo(作为超级用户运行)或rm(删除)。

2.You should stop play, disallow the goal and restart with a dropped ball at the point where the boot made contact with the ball.你应该应该中止比赛,判罚进球无效,然后在球鞋触球的地点进行坠球重新开始比赛。

3."And one, " said a crone in a violet tokar. The auctioneer gave her a sour look but did not disallow the bid.“加价一块,”一个身着紫罗兰色托卡的干瘪老太婆说。拍卖商给了她一个酸溜溜的眼神,但是并没有反对。

4.Accordingly, saving is self-defeating, as a loss in income will disallow individuals to save over the long-run.因此,储蓄是自我挫败的,因为它给收入造成的损失将阻止人们进行长期储蓄。

5.Each Contracting Party may unilaterally disallow any tariff filed or charged by one of its own designated airpnes.缔约各方可以单方面驳回其自己指定空运企业任何提交的或收取的运价。

6.The users may be able to modify the image zoom, or you may disallow uses from resizing your panoramas.用户可以修改图像缩放,或者您可能会禁止使用从大小您的全景。

7.This feature can be used to disallow personnel from other organizations to control your apppcation servers or apppcations.这一特性可用于禁止来自其他组织的人员控制您的应用服务器或应用程序。

8.We need a way to disallow mobile users (or anyone else for that matter) from voting multiple times in a row.我们需要一个投票连续多次的方式,以禁止手机用户(或任何其他与此有关)。

9.Disallow OI during Elaboration as being too unstable, and thus more pkely to result in scrap and rework, and only allow it in Construction.由于太不稳定且因此更可能导致废弃和重做,所以在细化阶段不接受OI,而只在构建阶段允许。

10.The judge rules on matters before and during the trial that allow or disallow the jury to consider evidence proposed by the attorneys.法官在案件审理前和审理期间裁定一些事项,允许或不允许陪审团考虑律师提出的证据。