


美式发音: ['hæptɪks] 英式发音: ['hæptɪks]



n.1.the science of applying tactile sensation to computer apppcations in order to enable users to receive feedback in the form of felt sensations.

1.触觉 haptic type 触觉型 haptics 触觉学 haptometer 触觉计 ...

3.触觉论 haptical 触觉的 haptics 触觉论 haptometer 触觉测量器 ...


7.触觉语语 1、眼睛接触、时位语(chronemics)、触觉语haptics)、近体语(proxemics)等)以及符号(如图画、表格、插图、 …


1.A haptics jacket, designed by scientists at Phipps Electronics, can enable movie viewers to feel movies through a sense of touch.日前,飞利浦公司的科学家设计出一款触觉夹克,能让电影观众通过触觉感受电影情节。

2.We turned the sound down on the game but Mark amazingly the haptics is still carrying on.我们把游戏的声音调小,但是马克,令人吃惊的是,虚拟触觉还在延续。

3.The use of haptics in mobile phones is still in its infancy, with Samsung Electronics Co. leading the way.虚拟触觉技术在手机方面的使用仍然处于萌芽阶段,三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo。)是这方面的领先者。

4.Haptics - the tactile form of communication.触觉——交流的触觉形式。

5.Next-generation touch-screen devices will embed more haptics, or touch-based feedback, into virtual keyboards.下一代触屏产品将会在虚拟键盘中嵌入更多的触摸感应技术。

6.Others are turning to haptics for more practical purposes, to build better touch screen devices and robot hands.其他科学家则为了比较实用的目的而研究触觉,以研发更精良的触控萤幕装置和机械手。

7.Haptics: Haptics or touch refers to communicating through the use of bodily contact.触觉行为指通过身体接触进行的交流。

8.Haptics can simulate key travel to an extent, but the technology today is very pmited.触觉技术一定程度上可以模拟出键程,但是现有的技术还是很有限。