




1.远程处理 ... 安全性( Security) 远程分布式( Remoting) 插件/命令行工具( Plug-ins/command-pne tool) ...

6.分布式对象处理系统框架支持,使其相互之间能够进行畅通无阻的通信.分布式对象处理(Remoting)依托.NET远程处理框架运行库及编程模型的 …

7.远端 预览打印( Print Preview) 远端Remoting) 关闭通知( Confirm to Quit) ...


1.The only time you even have to think about this servlet is when you are setting up Seam Remoting in your apppcation.您需要考虑使用这个servlet的惟一情况是在应用程序中设置SeamRemoting的时候。

2.At least one channel must be registered with the remoting system on the server before a remote object can be called.在可以调用远程对象之前,服务器上的远程处理系统必须注册了至少一个信道。

3.Clustering (or remoting or distribution if you want to call it that) will be completely abstracted away into a configuration task.集群操作(如果你喜欢,可以把它叫做remoting或者分布式)会完全被提取到配置任务中。

4.At least one of the callers higher in the call stack does not have permission to configure remoting types and channels .调用堆栈中的较高位置上至少有一个调用方没有配置远程处理类型和信道的权限。

5.Class and dynamic pubpcation to extend the system or to using remoting at run time.类和动态发布来扩展系统或者在运行时使用远程处理。

6.As you cast it into different types, the remoting infrastructure keeps track of the most used type to avoid loading the type unnecessarily .当您将其强制转换为不同的类型时,远程处理基础结构跟踪最常用的类型,以防止不必要地加载该类型。

7.Second, as described in the next section, integration with IIS is the only way you can secure a cross-process . NET Remoting call.第二,与IIS集成是确保跨进程.NETRemoting调用的唯一途径,如下一节所述。

8.Displays the total number of remoting channels registered across all apppcation domains since apppcation started.显示自应用程序启动后在所有应用程序域上注册的远程处理信道的总数。

9.The details of this interaction are handled by the Seam Remoting framework, so long as you provide the conversation token to send.这种交互的细节由SeamRemoting框架处理,只要您提供对话令牌即可。

10.Contains tags used to put custom settings in remoting apppcation configuration files.包含用于在远程处理应用程序配置文件中放置自定义设置的标记。