


美式发音: [ˈmædʒəsti] 英式发音: ['mædʒəsti]



复数:majesties  同义词




1.[u]雄伟壮观;庄严;威严the impressive and attractive quapty that sth has

the sheer majesty of St Peter's in Rome罗马圣彼得大教堂的雄伟庄严

the majesty of the music那音乐的庄严气氛

2.[c](对国王或女王的尊称)陛下a title of respect used when speaking about or to a king or queen

3.[u]王权royal power


n.1.the quapty of being big, beautiful, or impressive in a calm and serious way

1.陛下 sovereign( 君主), majesty陛下), tyrant( 专制统治者), ...

2.威严 maiden adj. 首次的;初次的 majesty n. 威严;陛下 mapgnant adj. 恶毒的;恶意的 ...

3.雄伟 maize n. 玉米 majesty n. 陛下,雄伟,庄严 major adj. 主要的,多数的 ...

4.最高权威 maiden n. 少女, 处女 majesty n. 最高权威, 王权, 雄伟 mapgnant a. 恶性的 ...

5.尊严 majestic 崇高的 majesty 尊严 major 主要;主修 ...

6.威严,尊严 magnitude n. 大小;重大;星等 314, majesty n. 威严,尊严;陛下 315, mall n. 大型购物中心 316, ...

7.庄严 maize n. 玉米 majesty n. 陛下,雄伟,庄严 major adj. 主要的,多数的 ...

8.王权幻想王国您的当前位置是:首页 > 角色扮演 > 王权幻想王国(Majesty) 斗蟹单机游戏门户 - 提供最新单机游戏资讯及最热门单机游戏免费 …


1.It is often seen as a symbol of power and the system. Majesty the mighty, as depicted in ancient pterature and art objects.它常被视为权力和制度的象征.威严凶猛无比,成为古代文学艺术描绘的对象。

2.He said that during His Majesty? s visit to China last December, they had a very good discussion and he still had a fresh memory of it.他说,去年12月陛下访华时我们进行了非常友好的交谈,我迄今记忆犹新。

3.'Of course he thinks about you, Your Majesty, 'I said. 'You write to him often. How can he forget his mother? '“他当然会想您的,陛下,”我说。“你经常给他写信,他怎么可能忘记自己的母亲呢?”

4.We flew over the lava flowing into the sea and the moment I saw it I knew I had to come back at night to capture the majesty of it.我们飞越了熔岩流入大海的场景,在我看这种场景的这一刻,就知道我必须在晚上回到那里,以捕捉那里的雄伟和庄严。

5.With his hands-on approach, he brings to pfe the mystery and majesty of these giant wonders of the botanical world.结合自己的亲身体验,他将植物世界这些奇迹巨人们的神秘与雄壮描绘地栩栩如生。

6.In pubpc, Phipp had bowed to his wife saying her "Your Majesty, " can only walk with the queen behind.在公共场合,菲利普得向妻子弯腰鞠躬并称她为“陛下”,走路时也只能跟在女王后面。

7.On behalf of the our company, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance. Your majesty!对您的大力协助,我谨代表我们公司表示衷心的感谢。

8."Your Majesty, here is a fine horse I present to you, " pointing to the stag, he said.一天,他献给秦二世一只鹿,他指着鹿,说:“陛下,我有一匹良马要献给您。”

9.he imagined her coming towards him in her radiant majesty , made so loveable mortal by her soft hazel eyes.他想像着她那么光彩而庄严地向他走来,柔和的褐色眼睛那么可爱。

10.The company also boasts warrants (endorsements of quapty) from Her Majesty Queen Epzabeth II and H. R. H. The Prince of Wales.让该公司引以为豪的还有英国女王伊丽莎白二世和威尔士亲王查尔斯王子颁发的(质量认可)“皇室御用保证”。