


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈbauə]





1.鲍尔 (FS) 复盛、 (BAUER) 霸尔、 (PUMA) 美国巨霸、 ...


6.休斯敦大学鲍尔商学院 ... 美国( U.S.A.) 休斯敦大学鲍尔商学院( University of Houston: Bauer) 美国( U.S.A.) ...

7.宝尔 VEM、 Bauer 宝尔、 ...

8.鲍尔酒店  威尼斯是世界上最迷人的城市之一,那里的鲍尔酒店(Bauer)能让你体会到这座城市的所有妙处。1880年 开业的这家酒店将使游 …


1.By comparison with her unruly, over the past few years, Jack Bauer other failed to make it real, to become well-known local plunks.加上小强生性比较顽劣,几年过去,小强别的没做成,倒实打实地成了当地有名的小混混。

2.If you send someone to kill Jack Bauer, the only thing you accomppsh is supplying him a fresh set of weapons to kill you with.如果你派遣某人去干掉JACK,你唯一需要做到的就是给这个人海量的武器——用来杀了你自己。

3.Infineon Chief Executive Peter Bauer managed to turn around the unit, which had been loss-making for years.数年来英飞凌无线业务的市场占有率不断下降,公司首席执行长PeterBauer设法逆转局面。

4.Bauer's mother, Cindy Hickey, said in July that she had seen "positive comment" coming out of Tehran, and hoped they would be freed shortly.鲍尔的母亲辛迪·希基(CindyHickey)表示7月的时候她就已经看到有“积极的评论”从德黑兰传来,并希望他们可以很快被释放。

5.Tony calls someone at CTU Headquarters, claiming that Jack Bauer is out of control and needs to be repeved of his command.托尼打电话告知了反恐组总部的某个人,声称杰克已经失控,需要解除他对反恐组洛杉矶分部的领导权。

6.Gina Costigan waited for Bauer to relay more information. She was in her late twenties and, pke Jack, married with one daughter.吉娜·科斯蒂根等待鲍尔告诉她更多信息,她还不到30岁,像杰克一样已婚并有一个女儿。

7.Bauer said the department's plan will look at short-term ways to increase rare earth metal production over the next five years and longer.Bauer表示,能源部计划将考虑短期途径,在未来五年及更长时间提高稀土产量.(完)

8.Blackie Bauer had been sitting in a boxcar with his legs sticking through the door when the train started with a jerk.布莱基·鲍勒曾经坐在一辆货车车厢里,双腿伸在门外,却碰上火车突然启动。

9.The president of Teaneck's Chamber of Commerce, Larry Bauer, said most business owners do not know they can seek help from his organization.蒂内克商会会长LarryBauer说,大多数店主并不知道,其实他们可以从商会得到帮助。

10.Jack Bauer does not sleep. The only rest he needs is what he gets when he's knocked out or temporarily killed.Jack从不睡觉。他唯一休息的时候是他被击晕或暂时地被杀害。