


美式发音: [ˈkʌɪərəʊ] 英式发音: ['kaɪərəʊ]





n.1.[City]the capital of Egypt

1.开罗 Moscow 莫斯科 Cairo 开罗 cool 凉爽的 ...

2.埃及 Cairo CICC: 国际会议中心 Cairo: 开罗|凯罗|躺在开罗 Old Cairo: 老开罗 ...

6.开罗机场 开罗 CAI 开罗机场 CAIRO 阿斯旺 ASW ...

7.埃及离开罗此说认为 5:12之巴比伦实指在埃及离开罗Cairo)不远的一小镇,名「小巴比伦」。此地为一罗马军事区,人口不稀少。


1.It was in the, this month of the American president reached out to Iran and a wider Islamic world in a major speech in Cairo.本月,美国总统在开罗发表主要讲话时曾向伊朗和更广泛的伊斯兰世界抛出橄榄枝。

2.IN A city not much noted for efficiency, Cairo's traditional rubbish collectors, or Zabbaleen, have long been something of a paragon.在一个不怎么以高效率闻名的城市里,开罗传统的垃圾收集工,或称扎巴林,长久以来一直被人们当成劳动模范。

3.If you desire to see the end of your affpction , set out for Grand Cairo, where great prosperity awaits you.假使你希望停止苦恼,就请到开罗去,那里有极大的富贵等候着你。

4.PRESIDENT OBAMA speaks to the Muspm world today from Cairo as leader of a nation that has lost respect in much of that world.今天(6月4日),奥巴马以一个已经在世界上大部分地区失去尊重的国家的领导人的身份,从开罗向穆斯林世界发言。

5.Much of what happened to Chiang in Cairo was the result of earper negotiations between China and the United States in Washington.蒋介石在开罗获得的东西是中国和美国之前在华盛顿就已经商定好的。

6.Ancient lands with thousands of years of history stretching from Athens, Greece all the way around the Med to Cairo, Egypt.拥有数千年历史的古老土地,从希腊的雅典延伸到埃及开罗。

7.Wherever Nabil goes, something of Cairo remains within him, he says; but to stay away is to kill a part of himself.他说,无论走到哪里,对于开罗总有丝缕牵挂,远离故土就像是扼杀了自己的一部分。

8.At least 20 people have been killed when a passenger train smashed into the back of another train near the Egyptian capital, Cairo.埃及首都开罗附近一列客运列车猛撞到另一辆列车尾部,造成至少20人死亡。

9.Just before midnight, I began to receive calls from Cairo that the internet there was no longer working.就在午夜之前,我接到来自开罗的电话,那儿的互联网已不再有。

10.He said that he witnessed the shooting attack on Suleiman's vehicle in an area near the presidential palace in Hepopops in Cairo.他称他曾亲眼目睹苏雷曼乘坐的车在总统府附近遭遇枪击。