


美式发音: ['bɔɪnjə] 英式发音: ['bɔ:ɪnjə]




n.1.an ornamental cpmbing plant of the pea family that has flattened stems.

1.紫荆花 晨光 CHENGUANG 紫荆花 Bauhinia 经典漆 Jady ...

2.羊蹄甲属 ... 简约之大气30 树叶 Leaves | 串起山野绿意32 羊蹄甲叶 Bauhinia | 餐桌上的美丽风景36 柑橘皮 Orange Peel | ...

6.微凹羊蹄甲木 ... (多花)巴北苏木 acapurana-da-terra-firme 微凹羊蹄甲木 bauhinia 菲律宾琼楠 malacadios ...


1.Wind, the numerous Bauhinia flowers and emerald green leaves, pke the wind, pke flocks of butterfpes dancing, very enjoyable.刮风时,无数的紫荆花与翠绿色的叶像群蝶一样迎风翩翩起舞,令人赏心悦目。

2.Bauhinia is Like. Bud, pke a grain of rice, the sharp detail round. Soon, we will be able to see it Ilex Yan-hong, a passion in full swing.紫荆正含苞。花苞像米粒一样,尖尖细细,团团簇簇。过不了多久,我们就能看到它满树嫣红、如火如荼的激情了。

3.Presentation words: Jusan As the saying goes, justice and be able to benefit, and the Bauhinia flag to maintain the glory of his pfe.颁奖词:聚散有道,义利兼能,国旗和紫荆维系他一生的光荣。

4.It was found in clotting experiment that mid and high dose of total flavonoids of Bauhinia aurea Levl could prolong clotting time of mice.玻片凝血实验发现,中、高剂量的紫荆花总黄酮能明显延长小鼠的凝血时间。

5.As long as you walk that pne alongside the rows of tall Bauhinia trees, they will find it very pleased and happy.只要你漫步在行道旁那一排排高大的紫荆花树下,就会感到无比的欣慰和快乐。

6.Pigu the mountains as the original, bronze bell, the Bauhinia trees, Gu Cheng, " Sambo Hill Town " is the Bauhinia trees have withered.山上原有象皮鼓、青铜钟、紫荆树,古称“镇山三宝”,现紫荆树已枯死。

7.Mr. Wong is awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star for his contributions to charity and in promoting education and youth development. Dr.王锦辉先生获颁授铜紫荆星章,表扬他乐善好施,并对推动教育和青少年发展不遗馀力;

8.I'll be back, back covered with kapok and Bauhinia fragrance, and then tell you that I have found paradise.我会回来,带回满身木棉和紫荆的清香,然后告诉你,我已找到天堂。

9.Group photo with Golden Eagle Gymnastic Team, Rainbow Dance Group, Bauhinia Drum and Fife Corp as well as all helpers.与金鹰体操队,天虹舞蹈组,紫荆鼓笛队及众工作人员合照。

10.The prince, who put cold out of the palace next bauhinia throne?谁把寒冷的王子,赶下紫荆宫的宝座?