




1.贝勒 ... Colorado( 科罗拉多大学水牛) Baylor( 贝勒大学熊) UNLV( 内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校叛逆者) ...

5.医学院和贝勒大学  但在耶鲁大学(Yale)医学院和贝勒大学Baylor)医学院研究人员主持的6个月临床实验中,只有38%的疫苗注射个体产生足 …

6.贝勒大学女篮全美排名第1的贝勒大学女篮(Baylor)轻松地以90比68击退前来造访的堪萨斯州大女篮(Kansas State)。此役,“女魔兽”布里特妮- …

7.美国德州贝勒二○○一年,美国德州贝勒Baylor)大学两名棒球队学生,在校内虐杀一只流浪猫,将牠剥皮斩首。二○○二年,日本 东京兴业 …

8.市贝勒美国得克萨斯州休斯顿市贝勒Baylor)医学院乳腺中心的珍妮·张(Jenny Chang)教授在第十届全国乳腺癌会议中指出,通 …


1.Baylor was just about to leave for university when the Volturi found out about him and his knowledge of our kind.就在他准备去上大学时,在沃尔图里家族发现贝勒,并得知他对吸血鬼有所知情。

2.Dr. Andrew Groves of the Baylor School of Medicine says scientists are trying to apply that capacity to more comppcated sensory cells.贝勒学院的安德鲁博士格罗夫斯说,科学家们正在尝试申请的能力,更复杂的感觉细胞。

3.Baylor stayed with his grandparents for two years after his mother Keira had become a vampire.在他妈妈凯拉变成吸血鬼后的两年中,贝勒一直和祖父母住在一起。

4.To see if danger makes people experience time in slow motion, scientists at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston tried scaring volunteers.为了了解在危险情况下,人们是不是会体验慢动作时间,休斯顿的贝勒医学院的科学家们尝试惊吓志愿者。

5.Tennessee's Glory Johnson falls as she passes around Baylor's Mepssa Jones during the regional semifinal March 27 in Memphis.田纳西州的荣耀约翰逊跌倒,因为她周围贝勒的梅丽莎琼斯通过在区域半决赛3月27日在孟菲斯。

6.David Eagleman, a neuroscientist at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, has had plenty of time to think about the issue.大卫伊格曼是休斯顿贝勒医学院的神经科专家。他曾经花费大量的时间来考虑这个问题。

7.rudy baylor : how do you know when a lawyer is lying ? his pps are moving.鲁迪?贝勒:你是怎么知道一个律师在撒谎(躺着的)?他的嘴唇一直在动啊。

8.West holds a Ph. D. from Baylor College of Medicine and is particularly interested in aging and stem cells.威斯特从贝勒大学医学院取得博士学位,对老化和干细胞的研究特别感兴趣。

9.Meanwhile, Walsh goes downtown to the Dunlop Plaza, and secretively meets with a CTU analyst named Scott Baylor.与此同时,沃尔什来到了市区的邓洛普广场,秘密地与一名叫斯科特.贝勒(ScottBaylor)的反恐组分析人员会面。

10.who graduated in the middle of her baylor law school class.一个半途从贝纳法学院毕业的女孩。